Chapter 10

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The look on Laras face when she found out was priceles. "WHAT" she said out of shock. "He likes you dah" Maddy said again. "How do you know" Lara asked very confused on how she found out. "Zayn told me now im bored" Maddy said and she walked out of the room and we followed.

She walked downstares all the boys were there but 1. "Umm weres idiot Zayn". Caitlin asked "His in the kitchen something about feeling like chiken something" Liam explained. "OH NO IF HE EVEN THINKS ABOUT TOUCHING MY CHICKEN NOODLES HE IS A DEAD MAN". I jumped up from my seat and marched to the kitchen.


I was in the kitchen eatting chicken noodles when the kitchen door bashed open. It was Emmerson. "Oh shit" I said with a mouth full of chicken noodles. "NO PERSON TOUCHES MY CHICKEN NOODLES" She yelled. She pounced but I dodged her and ran out of the room and to my room. She followed behind. 

I tried to close the door but she bashed it open. I fell backwords. She locked the door behind her. I noticed she had something in her hand. It was rope. I tried to hid but it was to late. She tackled me and tied me up.

I was tied up on my bedroom floor with a gag over my mouth. Emmerson came back in the room with something in her hand. She came closer than I realised what it was. It was rainbow HAIR DYE (wash out of course). Before I could protest she was already behind me turning by beautiful jet blak hair RAINBOW.

When she finnaly finnished she shoved a mirror infront of my face. If it wasnt for the gag I would of screamed. She turned around and was playing with something she found on the floor. I untied myself and snuck up behind her. then I kicked her up the ass. She went tumbling. 

She looked back at me with rage in her eyes. She lifted up a hammer. Wait where the fuck did she get a hammer" I bolted out of the room and out the backdoor. She followed behind laughing eviley. I ran out the back door and hid behind a tree. 

I looked around she wasnt there. "HEY ZAYN". I looked up and Emmerson was up the tree. She jumped down and fell right on top of me. I heard camras flash but I was interested in what emmerson was going to do to me.  she pulled out a come. She started doing my hair but she gave me a clue on what she was going to do to it. "DA DA DA DA DA DA CIRLCUS DA DA DA DA DA AFRO, CIRCUS, AFRO,CIRCUS,AFRO POCKA DOT POCKA DOT POCKA DOT AFRO" She sung while giving me an afro. 

I tried to escape her grasp but then she started tickleing me.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" I screamed. "She stopped and looked at me. "You know you scream like a girl" she said. "Oh come on you've done enough cant you just let me go and we go back inside" I said with pleading eyes. She sat there in deeo thought. "FINE". she got up and helped me up then we walked back inside.


We walked back inside and to the living room wear everyone else was. Liam looked at me and he didnt look happy. "What ever I did it was Zayns falt" I yelled he stayed silent. I looked over to the girls. They wear laughing so hard they could pee themselves. I looked back at Liam. He pointed to the TV. It was an interview and the headline was "ZAYN AND EMMERSON UP CLOSE AND PERSONAL". I started to freack out then Zayn walked in and took one look at the TV. His eyes almost poped out of his head. I ran out of the house and to the supermart. What I need some chicken noodles and grape fanta.


Emmerson ran out of the door. "Where did she go" Niall asked. "Probably to the supermart to get chicken noodles and grape fanta" Gaby said. "Um dude what happened to you" Louis said looking at Zayns afro. "Just never eat her chicken noodles it might be the last thing you do" Zayn answered as he took a seat on the couch. My phone started ringing

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