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"Whatever you say, all of us are attending the Halloween party at the frat house," Sapnap said, Dream didn't care since he knew that he'd be attending anyway.

It was obvious that Dream wasn't a big party person, escaping even a small gathering when they were hosted at his house at every opportunity with every shitty excuse in the book.

But the Halloween party that the frat boys hosted every year—obviously—was something everyone attended, even Dream.

In the majority of the people's opinion that went to this college you'd be stupid not to go, the most fun and memorable moments happening at these parties.

And they were invite only.

You didn't necessarily need to be lucky to get invited to these Halloween parties but the amount of people that each man got to invite were limited, so basically you had to be lucky.

Each guy got to invite ten to fifteen people and there were twelve of them, which meant that there were at least one hundred and twenty people that usually attended these Halloween parties.

You had to be a real idiot to reject an invitation.

"I don't want to," George said, biting into a fry he was holding between his fingers.

The four others glared at him with wide eyes, each of them glancing at each other with a 'is he serious?' sort of glare, leaving George pretty confused.

"What? You all know that I don't like parties," George reasoned.

"Yeah, we know, george. But," Dream started, glancing over at Sapnap, "this party is a pretty big deal. Even I'm going, and I don't go to parties."

"And not just anyone can get invited," Sapnap added. "Me and Dream are only allowed to invite ten to fifteen people."

George twisted his face. "What do you mean?"

"These Halloween parties have been hosted by the frat boys for years," Karl explained. "It's a pretty big tradition here and if you don't personally know anyone that lives in the house the chances for you to get invited are slim."

Sapnap nodded in agreement. "You have to come, George, even if it's just for a moment," he pleaded.

"Please, George?" Dream asked. "You won't even have to wear a costume or drink or anything. Just come for a moment—fifteen minutes maybe—and I'll stick by you the whole time."

Quackity chuckled quietly, mostly muffled by the sandwich he was taking a bite out of.

"What?" Dream asked, looking over at Alex with a confused face.

Alex shook his head with a smile and put his sandwich down on the dish in front of him. "Nothing, nothing. Don't worry."

"Okay, he muttered, turning his attention back to George. "Please? It's honestly so much fun."

"What do you do at these parties anyway? They can't be that special," George refused.

"No, they are," Karl said, taking a sip out of his can. "You can't miss this. If you come this year you won't have to come next year."

George's face carried a somewhat thoughtful expression, his mind clouded with thoughts. "But you didn't answer me. What do you do?"

"Drink, dance, typical party stuff," Dream said, counting them up on his fingers.

"Then what's so special about this one?" George asked.

"Only a specific number of people are allowed to come?" Dream said with a shrug. "I don't know. Sap?"

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