twenty six

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Once the girls had safely retreated to the top of the West Tower, they turned the music all the way up, and doubled the size of their drinks. Their skin was alit with adrenaline, electricity buzzing in their chest, sparks glowing in their eyes. Miss Burke's distant shouts echoed through their heads, a reminder of their reckless adolescence, and the thrill that had come with it.

"Alright, Dahlia, truth or dare?" Sydney had to raise her voice over the music. She was sitting on the windowsill with Jordan, a cigarette between her fingers, the window thrown open to release the smoke.

Dahlia was laying across her bed, Willow and Val on either side of her, "Dare." She grinned.

"Alright; an easy one." Willow took a long swig of vodka as she stumbled off the bed, crossing the room, and reaching for a tube of toothpaste, "Squirt this into your mouth." She instructed, tossing it to Dahlia.

"How much?"

"I'll decide how much." Val smirked, shuffling to sit up, snatching the tube out of Dahlia's hands. "Tilt your head back."

Dahlia hesitantly did as told, letting Val squirt minty toothpaste into her mouth, her eyes scrunching up in disgust.

"Swallow it." Sydney cackled, a cigarette dangling out of the corner of her mouth.

Dahlia swallowed the toothpaste before darting across the room to rinse her mouth out. The other girls laughed, sipping at their drinks as they watched Dahlia whine and moan, desperately trying to scrub the minty taste off of her tongue.

"Can we stop playing now?" Willow turned to the girls lounging on the windowsill, "I'm bored."

Jordan blew a puff of smoke out the window, "Fine by me." She shrugged.

"Jordan." Sydney nudged Jordan with her foot, "Can I ask you now? How many people you've dated?"

Jordan frowned, her eyes meeting Willow's, then flicking back to Sydney's, "Sure." She forced on a smile, "Yeah, it''s zero."

Val rose her brows in surprise, "But you've slept with six people?"

Sydney glared at Val, "Don't judge her-"

"I wasn't! I was just-"

"Who were they?" Willow tried to keep the bitterness out of her voice, but when all of her friends' eyes snapped to her, she realised she had been unsuccessful.

"Strangers." Jordan replied, looking straight at Willow, and no one else.

"Were they girls?" Sydney asked boldly, tossing her cigarette out the window.

"Sydney." Dahlia hissed, collapsing back onto the bed, wiping the water away from her chin, "She might not want to answer that-"

"Yeah, they were girls." Jordan replied plainly, discarding her cigarette, and shutting the window. "I'm gay."

Willow thought about how easy it would have been to reply 'Me too', and watch as all her friends' eyes drifted to her. With the alcohol clouding her judgement, she almost considered it. But she wasn't brave enough. She remained silent.

"What's it like?" Sydney pressed, "Sleeping with a girl?"

Jordan laughed, "Yeah, it''s pretty amazing." She didn't look at Willow this time - she was smarter than that. "What's it like sleeping with a boy?"

Sydney chuckled, "Sometimes it's amazing, too. Sometimes..." She trailed off with a shrug.

"Sometimes it's awful." Val finished for her, "Really awful."

They all laughed, they all drank, and for one night, they were all teenagers.

It was late when they finally decided to retire to bed. They took turns brushing their teeth, before all changing into their pyjamas, and crawling beneath the covers, heads still fuzzy from the alcohol. They drew the curtains, switched off the lights, and all murmured sleepy goodnights, before silence settled across the dormitory, disturbed only by the sound of the rain hitting the glass outside.

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