Even When Everything's Down

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Title: Even When Everything's Down
Author: Anchor_Red
Word count: 2,216
Summary: Luke collapses during band practice.
Notes: This is set before the boys died. Luke has not yet run away from home. Title comes from "Stand Tall".
Warnings: vomiting, diabetic hypoglycemia


"Hey, Luke? Plug my amp in for me, will ya?" Reggie took off his leather jacket and threw it over the arm of the sofa. He looked over at Luke, but he hadn't seemed to hear him. "Luke?" He tried a little louder this time. "Can you plug my amp in?"

Luke finally looked up, but he seemed distracted. "Oh. Right." He leaned his guitar against the wall and reached down for the cord. He plugged it in and turned it on, his movements sluggish. "You're all set."

"Thanks, man," Reggie said with a wide smile. He strummed his bass, causing a deep sound to resonate from the speaker. "Awesome! I wasn't sure it was going to work. I had to work on it last night because it kept sounding all staticky, but it seems to be working now." He strummed a few more notes, satisfied that it sounded okay.

"Sounds good, Reg!" Alex grabbed his sticks and sat on the throne behind his drum set. "Everyone ready to start? We've gotta sound good. Unfortunately, our show last night got cancelled because of the rain, but we've got that gig at the coffee shop this Friday, then that book club the day after."

"Totally. I'm already halfway through the book!" Reggie said proudly.

"That's not. . .never mind." Alex gave up.

"I'm ready," Bobby chimed in, slinging his guitar over his shoulder.

"Affirmative," Reggie answered.

Everyone looked at Luke. He seemed to be staring off into space, not paying attention to anything going on around him.

"Hey, Luke. You good?" Alex asked, brows furrowed.

"Huh? Oh, I'm good. Just have a headache." His features looked pinched.

"Heads up," Bobby said, tossing Luke a water bottle. "This should help."

Luke's reaction was too slow. He missed it and could only watch as it rolled away from him, coming to a stop by Reggie's boot. Reggie gently kicked it, making it roll back to Luke. He stooped down to pick it up and took a few gulps before setting it back to the floor.

"Alright. Let's start with Bright and then go straight into Now or Never." Luke picked up his guitar and settled the strap around his shoulders. He seemed off, but no one said anything. They all knew he'd been arguing more and more with his mom lately and no one wanted to bring it up, least of all Luke.

"On three! One. . .two. . .three!" Alex counted off. They began playing, their music filling the converted garage. They sounded great, at least until Luke missed his cue for the second chorus and went right into the bridge instead. "Cut! Cut!" Alex shouted. "What was that?"

All eyes fell to Luke, who avoided their gazes. His face looked flushed and there was sweat beaded along his brows. "Sorry, I'm just. . . ." his voice trailed off. He shook his head and his balance seemed to waver with it. "So hot," he commented in a low voice.

He pulled off his sleeveless blue jacket and tossed it to the couch, leaving him in only a white tank. Although it was warmer than it'd been the previous day, it still wasn't what most people would consider hot while wearing no sleeves. Alex and Bobby wore short sleeves while Reggie wore his flannel rolled up to his elbows. None of them were sweating.

"Let's try again, starting at the second verse," Alex said, counting them off.

Luke played a few chords before the pick fell from his trembling fingers. He couldn't seem to stop his hands from shaking. He took a wobbly step forward and stopped. He closed his eyes, willing the dizziness to pass.

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