Chapter 7: Jennie Kim

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"Well now your mine.... I should let you off for a little while" you said

Jennie were surprised and you sat her up and kisses her licking it as a show of vampire affection then you look at Jennie.

"Take care of me for I was being pursued by other vampires, do it quietly my dear" you said

"Okay..." Jennie said

Then your eyes stopped glowing and you lost consciousness causing you to fell on Jennie's chest. You woke up and you were laying on the sofa then you look around and realize that you weren't at the nurse office. You sat up quickly and then you saw Jennie reading a book qnd notices that your awake.

"Having a great day sleeping in my office?" Jennie said

"Miss Jennie!" you stood up "I'm sorry! It won't happen again! I won't fall asleep on your office again!" you bowed 90 degrees

Jennie were quite surprised to see your actions but she wasn't dumb to not know the situation you were in so she decided to speak.

"Fine" Jennie stood up and walk towards her table

"Um.... Miss Jennie?" You said


"What happened?" You asked

Jennie didn't speak but the slave pact started glowing as Jennie felt pain at her shoulder but she bit her lips not to scream.

"Even his human form?! He can control the slave pact?!" Jennie said in her thoughts

"Can I ask you Miss Jennie?" you said

"You just... Passed out suddenly.... Don't worry I know how to nurse someone" Jennie said

"Oh okay! I'll see you later Miss Jennie" You bowed and left the office

Jennie pant and places her palm at the table them she slam her hands in anger.

"Why?! Why?! Why did this happened to me?! Why?! If I just stopped myself from being tempted to drink his blood.... This shouldn't have happened! Fuck!" Jennie said angrily


You left the room and Sana happen to see you walk out of the room where Jennie office is. She saw Jennie came out and notices the slave pact on her shoulder and then Jennie fixes herself and her uniform then she walk away.

"Hello Miss Jennie" Sana said

"Oh Miss Sana! What a coincidence" Jennie said

"I was about to go to my class. I'll see you later Miss Jennie" Sana said

"Sure thing" Jennie agreed

Jennie smiled and walk away then Sana decided to catch up with you then you felt someone tap your back which made you turn your gaze. You were surprised to see Sana and you immediately bow and greeted her.

"Miss Sana! I didn't know you were there" You said

"It's okay honey, could you help with these books?" Sana asked

"Okay" you said and took the books from Sana

"Thank you honey" Sana said

You escorted Sana to your classroom and then you head back to your seat.

"Good Morning Class" Sana said

"Good Morning Miss Sana" You all said

"Great now take a seat, I'll be giving your books back and open at the page 121 as soon as you received your books" Sana said

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