Kise Ryouta - Choose Me. ♥

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Anime : Kuroko no Basuke.


You were in love with your childhood friend Kuroko, but since Kuroko moved to a different school you barely got the chance to see him which made you a bit sad sometimes, as usual today, you were grinning to yourself as you thought about the old days when you and Kuroko would use to hang out together, you felt a hand patted on your head, "Earth to (Y/N)!!" he said right in front of your face, you finally came back to your senses as you saw the blond hair boy grinning to you. You and Kise were best buddies, so using 'chan' or 'san' doesn't work with you both.

"Yo." He said as he sat right beside you, "Yo." You answered, "Daydreaming about Kurokocchi again?" he smiled, if only you could see through his smile, how hurt he felt when he said his name, you blushed and then nodded, Kise was your friend for 3 years now, you both were in the same class and he was your best guy friend. You took a long heavy sigh as you leaned on your table, "Its kinda sad, you know, i really miss him." You started to pout and Kise chuckled to himself of how cute you were when you pout.

Just then the bell chimes and your phone started to ring, you squealed out of excitement and you read the message from Kuroko, your eyes sparkled out of excitement and turned to Kise who was staring at you, "Kise, sorry but I can't go home with you today," you said, "What? Why?" Kise groaned as you grin sheepishly, "It's from Kuroko-chan, he said he wanted to meet me and that he was waiting for me outside the gate right now!" you almost shout out of excitement, "Ohh? Well that's great, I also want to talk to him after all its been a while since we last met." He said and started to walk, Kise is not going to leave you and Kuroko alone and that is it.

You sighed, "Fine!!" you groan, you have no other choice but to agreed with it, after all Kise and Kuroko known each other. The three of you walked home together with some popsicles in your hand, you were in the middle because Kise wouldn't let you out of his sight, while you on the other being clingy on Kuroko.

The three of you stopped in front of your house, Kuroko haven't said the most important thing he have to say, "Oh right, we'll be having a tournament tomorrow so I thought you'd like to come by." He said and lick his popsicle, "Oh really? Sure!" you smiled, Kuroko smiled and then turned to Kise, "You'll come too, right?" he asked, Kise gave him a thumps-up with a small smile on his face, "Sure Korochhi!" he said.

The next morning was the tournament, The place was filled with people, you were so excited to see Kuroko playing down the court, Kise found a seat for you both to sit, as the game begins, everybody started to cheer for them, you stood up and started to shout like a madman to your hearts content.

"KUROKO!!" is the word that you would say over and over again, you would turn to Kise, telling and asking him how cool he was, Kise was hurt so much as he watch you calling out his name over and over. He tried his best to plastered his sad face with a smile, trying his best so you wouldn't see through him.

The game was over and Seirin won, it was a great match, you and Kise decided to meet Kuroko, you both were waiting outside, you were humming a song non-stop, "(Y/N).." Kise said, you tilted your head, "What is it?" you asked, "If Kuroko and me would have a match against each other, who would you cheered for?" he asked, his hair hid his eyes, he sounds so serious as you watched him for a while, "I will cheer both of you," you said, "You both are very important to me, so if you guys have a match against each other, I would shout, 'Kurokoooo! Kiseeee!' like that." You said and smiled to him.

He smiled back, but it wasn't enough for him. He wanted you to cheer him and only him. Kuroko and his team finally came out , they were on high spirits, you ran to Kuroko and gave him a tight hug, which kills Kise so much. "You were soooo cool!~ Did you hear me calling out your name??" you asked as your eyes sparkles, Kuroko smile and nodded, Kagami shout, "Oi! Kuroko, at least introduce us to your girlfriend!" he joked and your cheek turned pink.

"This is (Y/N) (L/N), she's a childhood friend of mine." Kuroko said and you bowed, Kagami eyes locked on Kise, "Its been s while." Kise cheerfully smiled to Kagami and he nodded. "Kuroko-chan!!!" a girly voice called out from your back and ran passed you as she hugged Kuroko, she was beautiful, she had a pink long hair with big breast, you watch for a while as she hugged Kuroko, telling him he was cool, and that she really really like him. "Momoi.." Kuroko said but didn't say another word, and your heart start to break.

Jealousy and hatred burnt in your heart, "A-Anyway, I have something to do, so I'll be going." You said and you stepped back, the pink haired girl started at you for a while, "What? I thought we would walk home together." Kuroko said, you felt happy as he said that but not for long.

"Kuroko~ She said she have something to do, just leave her. I know, let's go to karaoke and celebrate!!" she cheered, the boys shout in agreement, you grip your hand tightly and started to walk away. You have no idea how long you have been walking, you stopped as you realize Kise was following you all the time, "Oh, Kise, didn't know you were following me." You smiled a little, you both sat in the park, you both were silent for a while.

"You should just give up." Kise finally said it and your eyes wide open, "I mean, there's already a girl who liked him..and besides..long distance relationship won't work in the end either." Kise said, ignoring that you were glaring at him. You started to think maybe he's right, 'long distance relationship would never work,right?' you asked yourself and started to cry silently.

Kise ignored you at first, "Y-You should find for a guy who always stay by your side, who you always hang out with." He pouted as he blush, referring to himself. "Who would love a girl like me?" you whisper, "She's way too different from me, she's beautiful and knows how to please a man, I-I'm nothing compared to her." You said as tears silently falls down on your cheek, Kise shift closer to you and held you tighly in his arms, "Shhh, don't say such things." He said, he held your head to look him in the eye, his golden eyes locked on your (E/C) eyes, he kiss your tears and your eyes widen, "You are beautiful, your way more beautiful than that Momoi girl, you don't have to please a man cause I'm sure one man is please enough just to see your smile. Don't say that a girl like you wouldn't be loved, because you are already loved." He smiled kindly to you as your cheek turns rosy red, he then hugged you gently, "I've always loved you, (Y/N), and it hurts to see you going crazy over a guy who only thinks of you as a friend. (Y/N), if you choose me, I'll make you the happiest girl in the world. I love you so much that it kills me inside, knowing that the girl I like would never be mine is the hardest thing to accept , (Y/N) choose me, and I'll never make you regret it." Kise choked out and started to plead, tears slowly started to fall from his golden sad eyes, his arms tightly held onto you, fearing you might leave. You sat there for a moment, you have no idea what to do anymore. Then you started to think, how many times would you have hurt Kise all this time? You felt sorry, you wanted to apologies but your lips just won't move.

Kise then pulled away, he stared at you for a while and then softly peck on your lips, "Choose me." He whispered as his tears falls on your neck, you hugged Kise back, "I'm so sorry for hurting you all this time..." you said, but that was the only thing you said, Kise silently cried in your arms for a while.

"(Y/N)," he said and held your hand tightly, your eyes locked on each other, "I swear to God, I love you so much. I won't make you regret anything so please...choose me." He said and whispered the last two words. And that's when your heartbeat started to race, just two words he said, started to melt your heart. You then slowly held his face gently, you leaned closer and closer and stop as your lips felt Kise's soft lips. He then kiss back with passion, as if he was waiting for this moment for eternity.

And that's when you felt butterflies in your stomach, 'Maybe, maybe...I'll give him a chance...and...start over.' Is what you thought to yourself, and you don't have a feeling of regretting it either.

And that's how, just two words, Kise win you over.

'Choose Me.'


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And look forward to the next chapter!~


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