Whats up cleo?

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AN: So this story is about cleo starting her monthly cycle and how she goes to Jen for help.

Cleo's POV: its currently 12am and I wake up to cramps and I see a little bit of blood in my bed I don't know what to do so I go to my dad and Jen's room and get Jen too help me. I walk in as quietly as I could to Jen's side of the bed.

Cleo: *taps Jen's shoulder* Jen Jen

Jen: *wakes up and turns to cleo* hey cleo what's up?

Cleo: I just woke up a few minutes ago and I felt cramps and I saw some blood in my bed I'm pretty sure it's my period but I don't know what to do.

Jen: Oh ok let me get up and I'll help you go to your bathroom and I'll be right there.

Cleo: Ok thank you jen

Jen: of course honey let's get you taken care of

Cleo goes to her room grabs a change of pants and goes to the bathroom waiting for jen. Jen carefully gets up trying not to wake up David and goes into her bathroom to grab a pad for cleo. As jen is leaving the bathroom she here's David's voice.
David: Babe? What are you doing?

Jen: oh babe sorry if I woke you up cleo came in here and needed me she started her period.

David: you didn't babe and omg my little girl isn't so little anymore. Also you're so good with her and I love that so much.

Jen: aww babe that's sweet and I love her so much. I'll be back

Jen walks to Cleo's bathroom to give her what she needs.

Jen: Here you go cleo here's a pad and a wipe for you to clean yourself up with. Do you know how to put it on or do you need my help?

Cleo: thank you and I think I got it.

Jen: ok honey your welcome I'll stand out here incase you need me.

Cleo: ok.

Cleo comes out and hugs Jen and Jen walks her back to her room.

Jen: So just incase anymore blood gets on the sheet we will keep this on until morning and then I'll get it cleaned up for you.

Cleo: ok sounds like a plan thanks again

Jen: you're welcome honey goodnight

Jen walks back to her and David's room too find him awake waiting for her to return to bed.
Jen: Babe what are you doing awake still

David: I was waiting for you

Jen: aww baby well I'm back let's go back too sleep.

They kiss and go back to cuddling and instantly fall back asleep until morning
The next day.
Jens POV : I wake up and go downstairs and gets some coffee and put my vital proteins into it and sit on the couch until I here what sounds like cleo coming down the stairs.
Jen: hey cleo good morning

Cleo: good morning

Jen: you can come sit with me if you'd like

Cleo: ok

Cleo goes and sits next to Jen on the couch and cuddles into her they sit lol this for a little bit until David comes downstairs to join them.
David's POV: I wake up and see that Jen isn't in bed and must be downstairs drinking coffee so I get up and head downstairs and once I get to the living room I see my two girls cuddling on the couch.

David: good morning my favorite ladies
Jen & Cleo: good morning

David makes his coffee and joins them on the couch sitting on the other side of Jen. They talk about what they're gonna do that day and just enjoy each other's company and they put on a movie and just relaxed.

AN:- Hope y'all enjoyed this chapter I wanted to try something different since I haven't seen a story like this and I wanted to put my take on how mother like Jen is / can be and I really love this chapter I hope y'all do as well! I'm gonna try to include cleo in more of these chapters. I'm not sure how many of those I'm gonna do in this one shot collection. But I'll try and do more just Jen and David and have some sexy chapters and i wanna include more of their friends And other things so stay tuned.

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