Friends Reunion

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AN: In this story Jen and David are dating and have been for awhile while they were planning the reunion.

Jen's POV: It's currently 8:30 am and I'm getting ready to head to stage 24 for the Friends Reunion. I'm excited to see everyone again and I can't wait too see everyone I see Court and Lisa almost all the time and I don't see Matty or Matt much and David is my boyfriend and we see each other a lot too. Im walking out the door too my car and I get a text once I'm in the car I pull it out and it's from David.

* Text Conversation*
David: Good morning gorgeous I can't wait to see you today. I love you baby.

Jen: Good morning to you too handsome I'm excited to see you today to. I love you too babe.
*End of Text Conversation*
Jen and David along with the rest of the cast all make their way to stage 24

David: I just arrived to stage 24 I decided to call Jen and see where she's at.
* On the phone*
Jen: Hey babe
David: Hey babe I'm at the sound stage I don't see anyone else here yet where are you?
Jen: I'm a few minutes away I'll be there in like 3 minutes.
David: Ok babe I'll see you when you get here I love you.
Jen: Ok honey I love you too.

David's POV: Im in my car waiting for Jen to pull up and a few minutes goes by and I see her pull up I get out of my car and I go over to hers and open her door for her. Once she steps out of the car I kiss her.

Jen: Hey Babe.
David: Heyy baby. Do you know when everyone's gonna be here?
Jen: Court and Lisa said they're almost here and I haven't heard from Matty or Matt.
David: Ah ok well since we have a little bit should we sit in the car or go for a quick walk until everyone gets here.
Jen: hmmm let's go for a quick walk.

They walk around the backlot of Warner Bros hand in hand just enjoying the sunny weather and each other they stop and check out a few of the different houses from iconic shows and movies such as the Full House House that's on the lot and some other ones also. After their short walk they make their way back to stage 24.
- A few hours later
Jen's POV: We're currently filming different parts of the reunion and we just finished doing a table read of some of the old scripts and it was so much fun and a little emotional since I haven't seen these in years. We're just hanging out and eating some lunch in Monica's Apartment and it feels like old times. I'm sitting cuddled up to David on one end of the couch Courteney is sitting at the other end and Lisa is in the comfy chair and Matt and Matthew are sitting on some other chairs that are in the room.

* Cast Convo*
Court: it's so crazy that we're back here after all these years I know we've been filming here for a few days but it doesn't feel real.
Both Mattys: agreed it doesn't feel real.
Lisa: That and these two ( pointing at David and Jen) are finally together.
Jen and David look at each other and give quick kiss.
Jen: It definitely doesn't feel real being here but it's so much fun and being here with this guy as not only my best friend by as my boyfriend feels right.
David: well said honey I agree.
* end of cast convo*

It's later in the day and the cast just finished the last bit of the day and everyone is going home.
David's POV: Im standing at Jen's car with my arms around her and she's leaning against the car.
David: So babe what are you wanting for dinner?
Jen: Umm I kinda want pasta but I'd need to go to the store first to get some sauce.
David: Ok I'll go to the store and get some sauce and I'll check out of my hotel and come to the house  and you head back to the house and start on the noodles and when I get back we can finish cooking and then watch a movie.
Jen: Sounds like a plan.

With that they kiss and David opens up her car door and lets her get in and gives her one last kiss and shuts her door and she drives off back to their house and David gets in the car and heads to the store and gets back home to Jen.

AN: I hope y'all enjoyed this story.

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