let me stay

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**I'm so sorry guys I have been In a bad relationship and I finally got out of it so things are slow***

The classical music lulls my body to do all the proper moves.

As I'm going into my demi pointe I trip and fall on my sore knees. I feel the sharp pain but instantly get back up onto my pulsing feet.

"Madilynn take a break!" I hear miss yell at me making my eyes flood with tears.

I'm such a crybaby.

I pull out my phone and find Noah's contact.

"Hello?" His voice booms

"C-can you c-come by the s-s-studio?"

>>>time Skippy<<<<<

"Baby whats wrong" Noah calls to me from the parking lot jogging to my position at the door of the studio.

"I wa-want to g-go to y-your house" my R's always sound like w's.


 baby ballerinaWhere stories live. Discover now