Silently, Alone?

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Empty room, lights off mind whirls,

voice speaks up gently,

"Remember when your hair had curls",

look left, look right, no one in sight,

"who said that? I'm hearing things am I alright?",

Lay on the dark carpet stare at the stars in the skylight,


eyes appear next to me, one pair, two pair, too many to count.

Fear is no where to be seen.
"who are you?" Men, women, child, adult.
"We are you, you are us"

sigh just ignore them, they aren't real

"We are here mostly" warmth stays in one place on the mind,

eyes focused on the face of the main owner,

"Shhh you're to loud" the screams start in the back

the room echoes from them

sitting up memories flood through the door

stand running towards the window

hands reach out pulling you down holding your head just above water,

"Let me go" lungs squeeze together wishing for more air

the arms drag you down tears well up in your eyes

"Not again, please" body hits the ground hard,

the room shake but you are able to once more breathe, gasp look left, look right, no one in sight,

close your eyes and the voices rise

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