Evan at Last

45 3 2

tw: minor hitting

Michael POV

We stand completely frozen, just staring at each other. Elizabeth relaxes her grip around me, noticing my body tense up. Though the scenery of the golden sun on shinning through the doorway into the cozy room should have felt serene, the strong tension between Evan and I broke that sense of calm immediately. She turns to look at me, deep emerald eyes wide as saucers as she realizes what's about to happen. Evan must have told her what I did....

Evans eyes, once large with the surprise at the sight of me, have narrowed. Behind his eyes I can see many emotions, but mostly rage.

He stares at me; his face becoming redder, his small body begins shaking, and he clenches his fists.

Slowly, I stand up and refrain from looking at Elizabeth, but take her hand in mine nonetheless.

The silence between us sits heavy on us, suffocating everyone in the room. I need to say something. But I don't know what to say. What do you say to your kid brother that died because of you? Should I apologize? Would that be the most awful thing I could do? Should I tell him I love him? My mind is spinning, desperate to find anything to say to him. I open my mouth and hope that something will come out, but nothing does. I stand there dumbly, my mind and body completely numb. I try one last time, willing to say anything. There is no right thing to say so I might as well just go for it. I take a deep breath, but Evan has already started speaking. Or rather, screaming.

"I HATE YOU!"  Evan wails at me.

I can't say I wasn't expecting it. I knew it would be like this. But that didn't stop the tears from silently spilling down my face. This was the first time I'd heard his voice.


The first time I've heard him say my name in decades. And he uses it to tell me he hates me.

His chest heaves and he glares at me, eyes filled with tears.

"I'm so sorry...." I whisper. It's all I can manage.


His screaming is turning to crying. Evan can't contain his anger anymore and charges at me.

In a flash, I release Elizabeth's hand and push her behind me as Evan pummels me with his fists. And I let him. I close my eyes, feeling his weak punches hit my body over and over again. He was just a kid. I know I deserve to feel all of his anger. I deserve so much worse.

But Elizabeth doesn't think so.

"EVAN STOP! EVAN YOU HAVE TO STOP!" she cries, forcing past me and ripping Evan away from me.

Then Morana suddenly pushes past both of us, enveloping Elizabeth in her embrace, stroking her hair and shushing her while carrying her to another room I can't see.

Oh, Elizabeth. She knew what I did but she still chose to protect me. Well, at least this time she did.

Now it's just Evan and I. I didn't even realize how comforting the warmth of Morana's aura was on my back until they left

"YOU KILLED ME!" Evans words melt into sobs as he crumples to the floor.

I stand still over him, drowning the feelings. How could hell be any worse than this?

I'm not crying anymore. My eyes simply can't produce anymore tears after all that's happened today. Wiping my tears off my checks, I take a step towards Evan, shut the large oak door behind me, and sink to floor so that I'm a few feet away from him. I don't know why, it just felt right. And so we sat together, Evans crying becoming softer and softer until it's sniveling and every few minutes I catch a few faint notes of Morana's voice singing to Elizabeth.

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