Shopping with a mini giant

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*Just a little side note All of Percy's thoughts are in italics.

At 9:30 Percy woke up to the sound of his mother's voice. "Percy you're going to diagonally today". He groaned and then got up. He got ready fast. He walked to the living room where his parents a giant was sitting on the floor next to them. Percy immediately reached for Riptide. "Hi", the giant said. "I'm Hagrid and I'm the gamekeeper at Hogwarts. He's going to take you to Diagon Ally," his mom said. "Diagonally? Diagon Ally" Hagrid corrected. And you might stay overnight so you should pack a little," Hagrid said. "I already did let me get my bag". When he was ready he said goodbye to his parents and walked out the door with Hagrid. Hagrid pulled out a sock told Percy to touch it. "Are you messing with me or something" he asked Hagrid. He blinked and when he opened his eyes he gasped. He found himself in a cobble-stoned alley filled with people dressed in funny clothes. Inside the alley was an assortment of restaurants, shops, and other sights. It was a lot to take in. Annabeth would love this he thought. "Welcome to England," Hagrid said."England that's not possible". Hagrid ignored him. "Cmon we have to get to Grittgotts". 'Well, this isn't weird at all' Percy thought. 'A sock just teleport-ed you across the world'. 

When Percy got to Gringotts he realized the entire bank was run by goblins. "You are Perseus Jackson," one said. "Um yeah", he replied awkwardly. His fingers curled around Riptide You two have met before"? Hagrid asked surprised. "No, we've only heard stories about him" a goblin replied. "Oh," Hagrid said looking back and forth. "Well then if we could just do the Te- Oh, there is no need, his aunt took money out of her vault for him to use" a Goblin interrupted. He handed Percy a bag full of money. He and Hagrid walked out. "Well, that was odd," Hagrid said. Percy was about to reply when Hagrid stopped suddenly. "Oh no I forgot to do the uh thing! Sorry mate but someone else is going to have to help you". Hagrid looked around. He spotted Harry Ron and Hermione. He motioned for them to come over. "Can you guys do me a favor? Sure" Hermione answered. "Great I need you to get his school supplies with him.  Hagrid turned and walked away before Harry could protest. Harry glared at Percy. Percy was starting to get annoyed with him. "What's your problem"? Harry looked taken aback for a second then he got angry too. "MY PROBLEM YOU'RE MY PROBLEM" he exploded. "WHY I HAVEN'T DONE ANYTHING TO YOU. HAVEN'T DONE ANYTHING VOLDEMORT TRIED TO KILL ME ON MULTIPLE OCCASIONS JUST BECAUSE OF A STUPID PROPHECY. HE'S KILLED MY PARENTS, MY GODFATHER, AND SO MANY OF MY FRIENDS. I DON'T HAVE A FAMILY ANYMORE BUT THE GUY  WHO  MADE THAT HAPPEN HAS ONE. YOU DON'T DESERVE A PERFECT LIFE. Harry looked like he was expecting an apology but that made Percy angrier. "Perfect life," he said in a lower voice. " You don't even know me so please stop making snap judgments about me. Percy turned and walked bumping into a familiar face.

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