Phase 7: Abyss

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Two innocent infants, running through the woods. Huff and puff as they ran, trying to escape hell. Bodies covered with bloodstains. Several muscular men with shotguns and riffles were chasing them. Chasing kids. With guns. Are they even counted as humans? Or were they just heartless monsters?

After a long run, they've decided to do something that would make them restart their lives all over again.

"Rae, listen to me."


"You can go that way, and I'll head this way."

"Oh okay... Wait so that means-"

"It's goodbye."

"WHAT? Can I just follow wherever you go? Pretty please!"

"NO! It's the best for both of us."

"RONNY PLEASE! You're the only one I have..."

"Forgive me, Rae. I promise I'll come back. For you."

"Pinky promise?"

"Nah, it's more than that. Now go! They're almost on their way towards us!"

They both sobbed and hugged. They were so closed. Too closed. To be going separate directions that determine whether they would survive or die, scares both of them, equally.

"I love you, Rachel. I swear I'll visit you. Just one day. One, fine day."

"I love you too, Ronny. I'll make sure to write a letter for you every day if I found a family nearby."

"Alright, Rae. Take care. Now go. GO!"

And they both split up. Their hearts felt heavy, cold. Wanting for a better life. Hoping these two lost souls would reunite again...


"WOAH!" Aaron dropped right on the floor. He felt drunk.

"Rae? Rachel!"

"Huh, oh..."

"Are you okay? Did you feel something? Or was it just a sudden electric shock?"

"What? Yeah, my head's getting dizzy. Oh sorry Aaron, but I have to get going now. See ya..."


Rachel grabbed her coat and bashed out of the café. Her palms were on her icy cold face. It was freezing outside. Her head was aching so much. She felt like fainting.

"C'mon, Rachel. Just take the bus and get back home."

Rachel ran to the bus stop and took the free bus. She eventually dozed off on the bus. But this time, her mind was just full of unwanted questions.


"How's work today?" said Mr. Woods with a smile. He was definitely wanting for those sandwiches alright.

"Oh yeah. It was fun. A new experience for me. Now, where did I put those sandwiches? Ah hah!"

"That's my girl!"

"What do you mean? I packed these for myself. I haven't eaten lunch yet you know. I'm starving."

"Huh? Wait, didn't you pack those leftover lasagnas you made yesterday before heading out?"

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