Lost In Paradise (One Direction Fan Fiction)

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All i've ever been is the quiet lonerd little girl with the sad face  to every one. Everyone except my family.

you are all probably thinking who is this person, well i'm nobody in paticular. Just Tailah Rose. I'm the kind of girl you look at but not intirely see. but to those who do see me, i am as i said before, the quiet loner little girl with a sad face. Well atleast i was.

 well it all happened like this. One monday morning, i arrived at school extremely late(due to doctors appointment) . So i rushed off towards my first period, Science. i was heading around the corner when i crashed banged into something realy hard.

"WHAT THE HELL!?, WATCH WHERE YOU'RE BLOODY WELL GOING!" I looked up to see an angel with dark brown curly hair and green eyes.

"I'm so so so sorry"  I say in a small voice.

aaaaaahhhhh the quarter backs best friend,the schools badass, Harry sex god damn Styles.

"See something you like sweat pea?" he asks in a flirtatiouse smile eyeing me up and down. I realised i was eyeing him up and down just the same. oh shit no wonder why he was staring at me, i quickly looked towards his chest instead. I couldn't help but let my eyes look towards his face again.

"o-oh i-i was uhm i just uhm a-ah n-noticed th-that uhm, uhm that you have something on your face" stop bloody staring!

"mmmhm what ever" he said eyeing me over again with a mischiveous grin.

I blushed a scarlett red and looked down at my stuff, well i'm late too class and i'm as red as a bloody tomato sitting on the floor infront of Harry Styles. i quickly gathered my stuff and stood up to see him still standing there staring at me. I tried to get past him but he blocked my path way.

"Can you please move? i'm late to class" i ask in a sweet little voice

"well the least i can do is walk you to your class since i bumped you over and didn't offer to help pick up your stuff"

"oh well thanks" Raaaaaa, Harry styles just offered to drop me off to class, YAAY!.

"So what class do you have?"

"I uhm have science"

"OH SO DO I!" he exclaimed happily


we walked slowly down the corridor discussing class and stuff. We stopped just infront of our class and i grabbed the door handle, but i was pulled back before i could open it.

"uhm i was just wondering, later if you wanted to hang out with me at lunch?"

"yeah sure, if your mates are fine with it?" Oh God, did he just ask me to hang out with him!?. Hopefully i look as cool as i sound

"Yeah they wouldn't mind"

"ok then"

My hand reached the door again, and i opened it. Every ones eyes were on me, but no one realy saw me But they all noticed Harry. I was walking towards my seat when i was interrupted by a loud booming voice.

"Miss Rose, would you like to explain why you are fifteen minutes late to class?" Yeah so i wasn't that late to class, just a few mnutes late.

" Uhm sorry Mr Flemmington, i had an appointment at the doctors. i guess my homeroom teacher didn't tell the rest of the staff" Mr Flemington was tall and broad shouldered with hazel brown eyes and black hair. he has a chizeled jaw and full lips. Every girls dream guy, well supposedly.

"OK, Mr Styles, would you like to explain why you were late?" And still no one notices me.

"well you see, i was so busy getting down on your wife that i lost track of time." he smirked at Mr Flemington

"OH realy, so it takes fifteen minutes huh?"

"No Mr Flemington, YOUR WIFE took fifteen minutes" by now everybody was rolling around, laughing at our teacher, i couldn't help but laugh too. Gosh he was so funny.

"ooooooohhhh burn" you could hear a few of the jocks murmuring little remarks

"Aaaaaawwwww Damn, Mr F you got owned" Claryssa piped up. Claryssa has light blue eyes and pink bow lips. her hair is bleach blonde. She has a perfectly sun kissed petite hour glass body with a nice heart shaped face. She is not the popular queen bee of our school, but she is the second "it" girl in this place.


As we all finally settled down into our work,  A scrunhed piece of paper skided across my desk and landed right next to my arms. I picked it up and inside it read

Hay ;P i forgot to ask your name, so what is it. uhm any way the guys just said that they would be glad to meet you this lunch time if you dont mind. And i know i just met you but we should hang out this arvo??

H. styles Xx


"Why'd you wanna know, aye Mr F? You try'na be a perve aye (wink, wink)".

"what ever Styles, you'd know a perve wouldn't you?"

" yeah and he's right there, oh and sorry sir, I dont think she's interested in old men"

"what ever, shut up so we can continue with class without more disruptions "

Finally, i can reply, well, here goes nothing

Hay :P my name is Tailah Rose, and yeah sure, i wouldn't mind seeing your mates this lunch. And give me a time for this arvo?? Oh and this is my number  : 028 9937 5957

T. Rose Xx

Oh cool, I like your name. Tailah Rose. well my name is Harry styles. And glad you would be obliged to meet my friends, they are realy nice. What period do you have next?, i'll come get you. and at 3:00, we'll go to the mall and stuff if thats ok?? And my number is : 027 3648 1052

H. Styles Xx

I know your name egg, haha. Uhm i have english next. and sure 3:00 is fine by me. and so is the mall i'll see you at lunch ;P

T. Rose Xx


The rest of class went smoothly. The bell rung, so i collected my stuff and headed towards the door.

" Tailah!" I turned aroud to see Claryssa walking towards me with a friendly smile.

"So, is there something going on between you and Styles?" Uhm is claryssa talking to me?

"Uhm, N-no" Great, i'm stuttering again.

"Well, it doesn't look like that to me, I mean, he doesn't just stick up for anyone! Duuh"


"oh? oh, is all you can say, if i was you i would buzzing, he likes you girl!. So what are you doing this arvo?"

"I'm hanging out with Harry Styles"

"Well what about lunch?"

"I'm meeting his friends"


"Uhm yeah, i guess so?"

"so when did you to meet?"

"Uhm, this morning" 

"SHEEEZE, He realy likes you, well tommorow after school you and me should hang out at the mall and you can explain this to me from the beggining. Ok?, Bye" she says stressing on the word and.



Hopefully this chapter is great? BTW, dont hate on me, this is my first ever fan fiction and i'm stressing cause of school, Oh and hope you all like Claryssa, you'll be seeing a lot more of her. and the other band members ;P ok, great day everyone

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