WOTLK - Priest PVP Talent Guide (Disc/Holy)

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Talents Guide for PvP Discipline PriestWrath of the Lich King Patch: 3.3.5a


Welcome to yet another one of my guides on how to play priests. I have been playing priests for quite some years and have learnt a lot about them. So here I am trying to make your life a little easier so that you don't need to go through the same issues I did.

These days I've seen many people trying to play priests and have no idea on what to do.

This guide will mainly focus on priest talents for Discipline and Hybrid Discipline specs I've played over the years. Each of these talent trees will be followed by the significance of the talents tree, what are the advantages, disadvantages, some tips, etc.


Discipline Specialization

Discipline priests play a vital role in any area they play be it battlegrounds, duels, arena, dungeons, etc. The main strengths of the disc spec is that the shields absorb quite a lot and also it is great for dispels. In Wotlk disc priests have decent damage output as well and hence are even very viable in 1v1 duels.

The first thing you need to accept is that you need to be defensive right through in your gameplay with an occasional offensive bursts to help blow some opponent cds giving your team a better chance for the kill.



1) Glyph of Penance
2) Glyph of Pain Suppression

Also a useful minor glyph is the Glyph of Levitate since it makes your mobility more and always reduces the fear of jumping of cliff's in Arathi Basin and similar battlegrounds.

Why these two glyphs you might ask. Well firstly penance is your main healing spell , hence glyphing it will reduce the cooldown of the spell so that you can use it more often. Penance heals a very large amount in a short time so it is a must have.

Glyph of pain suppression is required since you are a healer and you will have loads of people pouncing on you. You need to stay alive to keep your team alive. Hence this glyph is very useful since you have better chances of surviving when someone is trying to burst you down and you are stun-locked.

The third glyph is flexible and should change depending on the spec you play and your gameplay style.


About Discipline Priest CCing -

As a discipline priest you have only 1 major CC which is Psychic Scream and it has a 30 seconds cool down. But to land the psychic scream you need to have 5% hit rating. So don't think just because you are a healer it is okay to have 0 hit rating. Also make the most of your professions and use Nets, bombs, magic dust, etc. due to your shortage of ccs.

Additionally you can use shackle undead to shackle Ghouls and Gargoyle's of Dks.

You also have mind control which can be used to stop enemy healers from healing or a dps from dpsing. You can also control the player and throw them off cliffs and edges to kill them. Very lethal spell but needs cooperation of nearby players to ensure you don't get attacked and your target is not attacked.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08, 2022 ⏰

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