Problematic Error

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Electra sat trying to comfort nia. "It wasn't your fault. You didn't understand much about the pixiverse. You didn't even know where you where. I mean before all this. Before you knew about the pixiverse, kenetiverse, mystiverse, thurmaverse and any other verse that could possibly exist." Her face was concerned for nia, she was doing what a good friend would do. "You didn't know anything and from what you told me is you warned him. You tried to save him. So if he hates or is mad at you. Someday it will pass."

Nia looked up to Electra "but don't you see? All those people that died. Is because of his anger and hate. Error 404 killed those people to get to me. Now he has my attention. 100 percent attention."

Electra looked up "what do you mean?"

Nia looked "next time Error 404, Negetive X or any villain shows up. We will be ready!"

Electra didn't know what to think of this. "To do what." She admired nias determination to stop what's happening, she found it kinda cute in a way. However she shrugged the feeling off as nothing important.

Nia had gotten a call, weirdly enough she could not trace the number. Which is strange for well. Nia skies. The man on the other side of the phone "I cannot reveal my true name to you yet, for now my code name is captain Kentucky, I need you to assure me you can stop your brother if not I will send in my men. And trust me they will only prioritise our Worlds safty. So I repeat can you handle him."

Nia gasped at the phone realising this person was the real deal. "I can." She spoke into the phone nervously.

He spoke back "you better. Now I have to go." The sound of gunfire and explosions could be heard in the background.


Electra looked at nia, "who was that?" She said concerned.

Nia sighed "I unfortunately do not know. He gave me a cover/calling name. Captain Kentucky, I honestly couldn't trace the location either. But he said we have to stop my brother or he will. Now I don't know what his methods are but I assume my brother won't be breathing if he does it."

Electra looked "so it's not just about stopping him now. We have to stop him to save his life." She said in a serious tone of voice

Nia looked "exactly." Sitting down to research the name Captain Kentucky, she either found no information and the promising leads where locked behind firewalls. The best thing she had found where redacted documents with all of the confidential parts blacked out.

Electra looked "I hope those children are safe in that orphanage we put them in. They said we could visit" she smiled lightly.

2 months later

Nia threw some documents down making electra jump "I have a lead!"

Electra looked "What the- you almost made me jump. Surprising since I'm a speedster." She smirks "I'm fast at everything, anyway who on? Kentucky"

Nia blushed allitle but shrugged what electra said off as a joke "no error 404, my brother. I know where he is hiding!"

Electra looked "OHHH. Makes more sense now. I mean that kentucky fella is a ghost. But then again last month you found a superpowered cereal killer just off his favourite cereal. It's kinda ironic. It would be funny if he wasn't such a terrible person, soo where is he"

nia looks "Well the way all his previous robberies and killings have gone. He has always been seen retracting into a cirten area. He is hiding somewhere in South harbor District,"

Electra seemed impressed "you located him. But. What's the plan" she said knowing nia hadent thought that far ahead.

Nia looked "plan? Uh....right plan."

Electra cut her off "you don't got a plan do you."

Nia looked at electra "maybe.."

3 hours later

Nia smiled "I have a plan. It's a fairly terrible plan and almost cirtenly won't work. But it's a plan" she smiled softly.

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