Chapter 5

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Sarah caress the necklace Jason got her, as a knock came from her door. Sarah turns around to see King standing there.

"Alex! When did you get here? It's so good to see you!" Sarah said, as she got up and walked over to him.

"Doing fine. I just killed another demon rebel, before coming here. I wanted you to meet my wife." King said, as they hugged, before King leads her out of the room. A tall woman with lavender colored hair in a dark purple dress was looking around the hall. A young black hair boy in red stood off to the side.

"A lovely place you have here." The woman said, as she looks at Sarah. Sarah nods, with a smile.

"######, this is my good friend Sarah. The princess of this kingdom. Sarah, this us my wife, ######, and my son, Killian. Kill for short." King said, as the woman looks Sarah up and down. Sarah's eye twitched at the smug smile the woman had.

"Darling. I'm feeling a sick. You don't mind if Kill stays with you?" The woman asked, as she rubs her big stomach.

'Bitch.' Sarah thought, as King nods.

"Of course. I appreciate you coming with me." King said, and the woman teleports away. Kill walks over and clings to King's pants. Sarah looks at Kill, seeing some fading marks on his face and hands.

"I don't like her. Didn't think you married a bitch, Alex." Jason said, as he walks up with a slice of cake. Sarah snorts, before spoting Kill staring at cake. Sarah smiles and took the plate.

"Yeah. I'm getting worry for Kill and the new child we'll be having." King said, as Sarah kneels down, and holds out the plate to Kill.

"Hello, Little one. Would you like to have this cake?" Sarah asked, as Kill looks up at King. King smiles and nodded. Kill reached out and took the plate. Kill stabs the cake and took a bite. Kill's eyes widen, as his hair turned red.

"Is it good?" Sarah asked, and Kill nods. Sarah smiles, as she pats his head. Kill flinched and looked at her.

"You're safe here. When you finish that piece of cake, I'll have my knight bring us the whole cake to eat. How's that sound?" Sarah asked, as Kill smiles.

"Yes, Miss!" Kill said, grinning. Sarah laughs, as Kill took another bite of cake. King sighs in relief.

"I think we'll be coming here a lot in the future." King said, as Jason grins.

"Good! That means you'll be seeing us more often!" Jason said.

"Yay. Good for me." King said, sarcastically.


"How are you doing? Its been 3 years since your father passed, Sarah." Jason said, as he rubs her back. Sarah stay bent over the throne, as she sat in front of it. Jason leans on the arm, as Sarah's dull eyes looks up at him for a minute.

"How do think I feel? My parents are gone. I became Queen, and you're just starting out as King." Sarah said.

"But isn't that what you wanted? Your father finally let you marry me, before he passed." Jason said, as Sarah sighs. Jason looks at her sadly, before hearing a thud. Jason looks over to see King laying on the floor, holding Will close to him.

"Alex!" Jason yelled out, as Jason shadowed over. Sarah leans back and turned around. Sarah eyes widen seeing blood and the gash on King's back.

"Alex! Jason! Is he ok?! What happened?!" Sarah said, as she floats down the steps. King groans, as Jason pulls Will out of his arms. Sarah gasps as she looks at Will.

"That bitch. Took their right eyes. Kill and Bill are still there." King said, before blacking out. Jason looked up at Sarah. Sarah kneels down beside King, and hovers her hands over King. Her hands glowed, as the light started cauterizing the skin.

"MAGE! GET IN HERE!" Sarah yelled, and the mage teleports in.

"Oh my stars! What happen?!" The mage said, as she kneels beside Sarah. Sarah scoots back and stood up.

"That bitch did this. I'm going to get his other two sons." Sarah said, as Jason hands Will to a maid that came in with water and bandages.

"I'll come with you. You can take her on, while I get the boys." Jason said, as Sarah nods, before look at the other coming in with a baby.

"We got this. Your son will be fine for a while. Go save those boys." The maid said, as Sarah walks over to her. Sarah caressed her son's head and plants a kiss on his forehead.

"My little Star. We'll be back soon. Hopefully we're not too late." Sarah said, as she steps back. Jason walks over to her and grabs her hand. Sarah nods to him and the shadows surrounds the two.


Screams pierce Sarah's ear, as the two opened their eyes.

"Shut up!" Bitch screamed, as she picks up Bill by his hair and slams him into the floor.

"Let go! I hate you! Bitch! Get off!" Bill screamed, as he claws at her arm. One eye was shut, as he glared at her through his other eye. Jason spots Kill laying motionless against the wall, went blood pouring down the side of his face. Sarah flew over to Bitch, and kicked her. Bitch went flying into a wall. Jason picks up Kill, as Bill got up.

"Go to Jason!" Sarah yelled, as Bill nods, running over to Jason. Jason kneels down and picks Bill up, after making sure Kill was secured in his other arm.

"You bitch! Stay out of this family!" Bitch yelled, as Sarah blocks her swords. Bitch growled, as Sarah blocks every swing Bitch made. Bitch screams out in frustration, before Sarah swings her sword up. The sword stuck into the floor behind Bitch, as her arm landed beside it. Bitch took a step back, before turning around and running towards the sword with one arm. Sarah threw her sword at Bitch.

"Ah!" Bitch cried out, as Sarah's sword went through her back and stuck out of her stomach. Smoke came up from the wound where the sword was. Bitch fell to her knees and Sarah walks up at her. Bitch reached out for her sword, as Sarah grabs it and pulled it out.

"Please. Don't kill me. Think about my son! Think about Tad! You understand, right? Have mercy on-!" Bitch was cut off, as Sarah swing the sword across her neck. The blade shattered, as Bitch's head fell off her neck.

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