1. Origins

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Kate's POV

These are my origins. Be warned. It's not for the faint of heart.

I came home from school on my 14th birthday smiling, excited for the planned evening. I opened the fancy doors. "Mom, Dad!" I hollered. "I'm home!" No answer. That was strange. Mom hadn't answered my usual text of: I'm on my way home, Momma! <3

"Mom, Dad!" I called again. I ran up to their room. The door was shut. I opened it. What I saw shook me to the core. Mom and Dad gagged and tied up in chairs, surrounded by masked people with an octopus symbol on their suits, holding guns. They turned to me. 

"Sit." One of them ordered, pointing toward the empty chair.

"But..." I squeak.

Mom, managing to speak through her gag shouted at me. "Do what they say, Kate!"


"Just do it, Kathryn!" She snaps. 

I sat. They tied me up. "Why is this happening?" I whisper.

"I don't know." Mom mumbles. But I can tell by the look on her face that she's lying.

"Shut up." One of the masked men says. He turns to Mom and Dad. "Where is it?" He rips out Dad's gag.

"What are you talking about?" Dad asked.

"I wouldn't test me, Stark." He said. Dad doesn't say anything, he only glares.

"Dad-" I said.

"Shush, Kate!" Dad snapped

"Enough." The man said something in Russian, and each of the men pointed their gun at my Mom and Dad. 

"NO!" I shrieked.

"Whatever happens, just know that we love you." Mom said with tears in her eyes. 

"Mom, Dad-" The sound of multiple gunshots nearly burst my eardrums as my parent's blood sprays onto my face. I screamed and sobbed.

"Let's go." One of the men says.

"What about the girl?" 

"Leave her."

They leave. I shake. I manage to until myself and stare at my parents as I shake. I sit there for I don't know how long until I hear sirens. Police burst into the room and point their guns.

"Freeze!" They stopped and stared at me. I didn't blame them. I had blood all over my face and hands, and the entire scene must have looked pretty bad. But they seemed to understand I wasn't a threat and tried to grab me.

"No!" I screamed. "Don't!" I scream and thrash, not wanting to be taken from my parent.

"Sedate her." I heard. I thrash harder. A needle is jabbed into my arm and my vision blurred. As I tried to thrash harder, I black out.

Third Person POV

The FBI agents stand in front of a doctor. "How's the girl?" A female agent named Eliza asks. 

"She's fine physically, but, mentally..." He turns to look at the girl in the white sweater stained with blood, along with her face. He shakes his head. "I don't know." 

A male agent named Ron joins the group. "Who did this? And why?"

"That's one hell of a question." Eliza says. "This wasn't random. This was planned murder."

"What, so some kind of Mafia gang?" The doctor asks. 

"Something like that." Eliza nods. 

"We need to question the girl." Ron says.

"I don't think that's a good idea. She's traumatized. She's-" Eliza turns back to the girl. "Gone."

"What?" The doctor turns around. "We've got an Amber Alert!" He yells. 

Kate's POV, Time Reverse

I woke up in a hospital. I rejected any wipe they gave me for wiping my parents blood off my face. I looked around, wanting to get out of there. I caught several agents talking outside my room. I got up and ran, without hesitating. I only reached the bottom of the stairs when I heard an Amber Alert being announced. 

"Hey! Stop!" A security guard yells. They try to block me. 

"Get out of my way!" I yell, shoving one with all the strength I have. I managed to escape. I ran like my life depended on it. I quickly dodged into an ally without being seen. I kneel on the cold cement and sob.


Let's fast forward. I was picked up and taken care of by a woman named May Parker, who had a nephew named Peter. 

I got training in archery, and mixed martial arts. 

Eventually Peter asked me out and we started dating.

We broke up after he got bit by a spider, got powers, and left me to join S.H.I.E.L.D

I ran away from May, and now I'm hiding from everyone. Stark Industries was supposed to be inherited by me, so everyone is on the lookout. So that brings us up to date. Today. My birthday. Exactly ten years after my parents were killed. 

Happy Birthday to me.

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