2. Partners, Am I Right?

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Kate's POV

I'm an idiot. And now I'm running from the cops. Stupid bet. Thanks a lot, Shaun! I sprint away from the convenience store, realizing my getaway driver isn't here. Really, Katy?! I walk up to a dark green sedan. It'll have to do. I smash the window, unlock the door and climb inside. The keys are in the ignition.

"Happy Birthday to me." I remark to myself. I start driving. 

"Oh my god, what is happening?" A sleepy Russian voice asks. I jump.


"Who are you?" The voice is female. I arrange the mirror to face the backseat. It's a blond woman wearing a black suit.

"Uh... depends. Are you law enforcement?"


"Undercover agent?"


"Animal control?" 

She laughs. "You're funny, hot stuff."

"Hot stuff?" I ask.

"Yes. I don't know your name, and you're hot. So, hot stuff." She says.

"Ok, what's your name?" I ask with a chuckle. 

"Yelena Belova." 

"Is this your car, Yelena Belova?"

"More or less."

"I stole a stolen car?" I ask.

"Looks like it." She stares at me for a moment. "Wait, you're the Kate Stark girl, right?"

The whooping of sirens interrupts us. "Uh, yeah. I think it's best if you get into the front seat." She climbs into the passenger's seat. I get a better look at her now, and she's gorgeous. Focus, Kate!

"So, Kate, why are you running from the cops. You know, other than the fact you're heiress to the richest company in the city." She asks.

"Uh, well, it's my birthday, and my friend dared me to steal a cake from a convenience store." I gesture to the boxed cake at her feet. I stomp on the gas, causing the engine to scream. 

"What are you doing?!" Yelena yelps.

"There was a red light! I couldn't stop." The cops are still on my tail. 

"Where are we going?" 

"A motel." I tell her the name.

"I know that place! I know a back way, we can lose them that way!" She gives me the directions. 

"Okay! Now pull into that ally and kill the lights!" She orders. I do it, and the cops speed right past us. I laugh, looking at Yelena.

"You did it!" I exclaim. "Thank you, I..."

"Don't thank me. But, if you want to, I could go for some cake." She gives me a sly grin. I laugh. 

"Deal. Now let's get to this motel." I pull up and walk into the lobby. It's an underwhelming place, but it's the only place where I'm safe, because my best friends work here. Shaun and Katy.

"There's my namesake." Katy says with a grin when I walk in.

"There's my namesake." I say. "The namesake who almost got me arrested."

"Sorry. I ran out of gas." She says.

"Well, did you win?" Shaun asks. I gesture to Yelena, who's already started eating it.

"Yep. Pay up." I hold my hand out. He grumbles as he hands me fifty bucks. 

"So who's the lady?" Shaun whispers.

"My...." I glance at Yelena. "Partner. Come on, Yelena, I'll show you to my room." 

"Come on, it's your birthday." Katy says. "Let's get drunk off of cheap liquor and scream karaoke until morning."

"I second that!" Yelena says.

Katy points to her. "I like her."


Katy and Shaun are screaming Hotel California at the top of their lungs. Yelena is drinking gas station tequila straight out of the bottle. She turns it upside down.

"It's all gone." She whines. Then laughs and hiccups. 

"You need to lay down." I say. 

"Only if it's with you, hot stuff." She says, tracing a circle on my neck. 


"You're pretty." She says.

"You're prettier." I say.

"No...." She laughs. "I like you."

"I like you too."

"No... I like you like you." With her slurring, it's even harder to understand her accent. 


"I think I love you."

"Okay, you really need to lay down." I insist. She pushes me down and snuggles up against me. "What are you doing?"

"Laying down." She says. Before I know it, she's knocked out, snoring. I play with her hair.

"I love you too." I whisper. I turn to Katy and Shaun, who are leaning against each other, asleep. I chuckle and close my eyes.


Let me know if you have any ideas! I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09, 2022 ⏰

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