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She lay, eagle eyed by the bedside.
Do they feel good, satisfied?
She held the light of a flash,
And the beauty, fully, only to turn to ash.

He held the key to chance, opportunity,
Just slightly out of her capability,
She jumped so high, only to have he,
The sympathy of none, beat her to her knees.

Those girls, the ones at school,
They've made her see nothing but a fool,
The mirror, an object of hate,
Will her saviour arrive, or are they simply too late?

Thought the classmates are cruel, teachers are far worse,
Throughout religion class, they speak of how she's cursed.
Herself is wrong, she's simply the princess without her crown,
As they refuse to use the correct pronouns.

Weeks pass in the blink of an eye,
She's forced to homecoming without a guy,
They shame her t'il she cries,
As she must wear a suit, she feels as if she must die.

The doctors all say she's fine,
"He'll be fixed in no time!"
Some treatment and religion,
Will turn their boy, who believes he's a girl, back to their beloved son.

July 5th, the day she hit the pavement,
Feeling as if she'll never get her payment,
For dealing with this un-acceptance
And the medicine to make her like her current appearance.

September comes with the school year anew,
A summer of sadness turns to a sickness far worse than the flu,
What was once a shadow,
Now consumes her, impaling like an arrow.

The therapists shove drug after drug down her unwilling throat,
Mom and dad "just want him to get better", what gives them the right to vote?
So next time she is asked the question,
She'll simply smile and fake a confession:

"I am a boy,
Just as when I was born,
My thoughts of being a girl,
We're but a mere game, like a child with a toy."

She walked a lonely road,
T'il the heaven's angel came, and showed,
Showed her where, to a place called home,
Where he can finally be a she.

So there she lay, Eagle eyed, by her bedside,
Do the feel good yet, satisfied?
She held the light of a flash
And the beauty, fully, only to turn to ashes.

You stole her shine,
By saying her being is a crime,
But now she's a girl eternally,
By God's will,
So heavenly.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14, 2015 ⏰

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