chapter 12 (FINALE)

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    "What are you looking at?" Y/N shoot her eyes open to see Selever looking at the girl.

She hadn't remembered but the two were on a hill, filled with daisies that never ended. No matter how far you looked it was all there was.

"I..I don't know..." Y/N looked back to see Sarv.

"Sarv!?" The sudden change shocked her.

Her mother in law was beat up and there was a cut on her neck. 

"Im...sorry..." Sarv's head fell of  and Y/N's eyes widened.

The girl opened her mouth to say something but couldn't. The sky went gray and Sarv's body had collapse on the ground. She was confused, Upset, she didn't even know how she got there.

"Wake up!" You heard a deep voice.

It was one no one couldn't recognize. Ruv. 'How did he get here?' the girl wondered.

"Please! Don't go!"

The girl tried to open her mouth again but still couldn't make a sound. The scenery changed. it was in the woods. Y/N was now in the woods.

"Its a shame, Y/N L/N. I didn't want to-"

My eyes shoot open. I sit up and look around, trying to figure out if everything was a dream or...

"FINALLY! Ive been screaming in your ear ya know! For a sec I thought you were dead..." Selever mumbled the last part.

"YOU IDIOT!" I grabbed his hair and kneed him in the head.

"OW! WHAT DID I DO!?" Selever rubbed his head in pain looking at me annoyed.


"Well this is something I wasn't expect to walk in on." A familiar voice said.

"TAKI!" Selever jumped at him but I grabbed his hair and pulled him back.

"Don't. It's fake for real this time." I whisper.

"Clever! Ill give you a hit! Ive been getting bored and your sister is starting to get on my nerves anyway." Taki looked away with an angered face.

"Why would you want to?" I glared at him trying to keep my cool.

"Wouldn't you like your 'lovely' sister back?"

"How do I know this isn't a trick?"

"Here! It will give you all the information you need." He smiled at me before jumping away.

"Are you going to go?" Selever looked at me worried.

"Its all we got." I looked down at the paper with sorrow.


"You made it! Im glad." Taki had an evil smirk plaster on his face.

"Lets get this over with. Justice!" I yelled and motioned for lightning to head his way.

"My my now that isn't very nice!" The lightning reflected off of the chainsaw he had and strait towards me.

"AH!" I ducked quickly.

When I got back up Taki was already in front of me. I would fail if I tried to dodge so I grabbed his arm and swung him over me and slammed Taki on the ground.

𓆩Ī Ħⱥⱦē Ɏꝋᵾ𓆪 (Selever x Reader book 2)Where stories live. Discover now