Chapter 1

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It's 5 am and my notification is buzzing non-stop. I sigh before throwing my blanket onto my feet since the hurricane just stopped a few days ago and the environment becomes colder for a while. I tried to look at my watch to open the messages from the laboratory and my colleagues.  The holographic face of my best friend pops up then I touched the play button.

"Cassiel, you are not going to believe this!" I can see her still in her house wearing her pajamas.

"Open your screen when you wake up!" then the holographic screen turned off.

"She left me a message in the middle of the night just to tell me to open my screen? That woman is unbelievable." I just shook my head then gather my strength to get off my ass from my soft and cozy bed. Yawning while stretching my body and walking around my space.

"Violet, open screen." I command my artificial intelligent voice robot.

"Good morning, Cassiel. What channel would you like to watch?" she asked me while I pour my hot coffee in my mug, I paused for a minute.  Urriel didn't tell me anything but to open my screen.

"Violet put it on the news." Then she opened my holographic screen in my living room. I get my cup of coffee, sip while walking to go to my couch.



"Vomit blood? maybe a food poison?" I said while enjoying my coffee. Is this Urriel wanted me to see? this is just the usual thing having haematemesis when you have an underlying ailment. Then the reporter interviewed one of our doctor scientists in Paracelsus. That one scientist who always wants to be in the middle of the spotlight. I wonder what will he say.

"We are trying to control the situation, gathering information on what is the cause of this to all the 15 people who starts to show signs. Here in Paracelsus, we are trying to figure this out to give our people the safety of their health." I just rolled my eyes. He talks like a politician who will run forever until death even in front of the camera.

15 people having haematemesis. It might be food poisoning or any other toxic substance that they ingested for the last few days. I stand up and put my cup of coffee on my table.

"Violet, please prepare my hot bath."

It's getting colder these past few days because of the hurricane. Some of the establishments were destroyed and the biggest greenhouse here in the city was a total wreck. The good thing is that the Paracelsus research and laboratory facility were not destroyed.

"Violet, morning routine." I commanded. Then my A.I. started to play the music that I like to hear every morning while taking a bath.

After taking a shower, I get my clothes from my wardrobe and wear my gray stripe long sleeves polo with my dark blue trouser. "Violet, I like to wear my white Stefano Janoski shoes," I told my A.I. A beeping sound from my shoe rack and a slight hissing sound of the pressure came out when I open the cover. I like my shoes to be sanitized by UV light and the right amount of pressure. Remember, the dirtiest thing that you wear are your shoes.

I get all of my research papers and my sling bag before getting off to the lab.

"Violet, lock everything. I'll be leaving."
I commanded, then everything was shut after closing my unit. I live in a high-end capsule unit, it is expensive but I can say that I can afford to live since I work at the most successful research facility in the whole world. After so many years of putting every effort of the scientist around the world, they created the most established facility, the Paracelsus Research Facility. We are able to find a cure for every cancer even the human immunodeficiency virus. Science is vast and every day we discover that will help mankind.

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