Chapter 4

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We went back to our quarters with the chip that have all the details of what did and what we've seen while doing the post-mortem.

When the thick steel door unlocks, I saw Juno working and trying to search for something from the patient's profiles while Sarrina is still, looking after Mavis who's still unconscious.

"Did you find something?" Juno make haste when he sees us. I handed him the chip that contains the details and video that we took a while ago. He inserted the chip on the center navigator and split up the holographic screen and let him watch the post-mortem documentation.

I went to the controls beside and push the button to talk to Sarrina who was still sad about what happened to Mavis. I know they were best of friends and I cannot imagine the pain of seeing my almost better half in danger. I cannot imagine myself being in that position with Urriel... "Sarrina? Come here, you need to see something," I asked her over the microphone then I saw her wipe her tears across her cheeks and nod. Then I look around and saw Urriel biting her lower lip indicating that she was thinking deeply while watching the documentation. I walked to her and tap her left shoulder

"What's inside of your brilliant mind?" She took a deep breath before talking.

"Seriously, I don't know what is happening. How possible this can be." She looks puzzled and so do I.

"Say, is this some kind of bioterrorism?" Juno suddenly asked.

I shake my head "I don't think so, cause if this is a bioterrorism, there should be more victims and the prevalence should be broader."  Then I paused the video, "Take a look at this," I told them.

"What do you see?" I asked. Then all three of them are looking closer at the holographic screen.

"It's a lung," Juno just said without hesitation. I sigh and point my two index fingers to zoom in on the screen

"I know it's a lung, Juno for pete's sake, but take a look closer, that is not the morphology of a normal lung."

"Why does it look like it has been tightened or something? Like it was a loop around with a rope?" Sarrina abruptly said. I snap my finger, and that is the tea that I've wanted to hear

"That is exactly what I am thinking about. And the heart also looks like that," I swipe the screen then jump into the process of opening of the heart.

"See? The heart also looks like it was tightened by something we cannot see. And how is this possible that we retrieved a plant cell inside the heart?" I continue to play the video and let them see what we've seen during the post-mortem.

"Then I noticed another thing. That cadaver's some chordae tendineae are ruptured." They looked at me all the same time then I shrug my shoulders

"So, you're saying that the possible cause of death is takotsubo?" Juno asked but I disagree.

"If it is takotsubo cardiomyopathy, the lungs should be filled with fluid, pulmonary edema perhaps but the x-rays show us nothing," I explained, but still nothing made any sense with all these findings. I can say I am out of conclusions how is this possible?

"Can we have a permit to retrieve the human memory chip?" I look at Urriel in shock.

"Memory chip? You know it is forbidden, Urriel. We are scientists but we still have laws."

The human memory chip is implanted from the first day that we were born. That chip holds our memories, levels of emotions, and the data levels of hormones. Every secret that a human body have can find in their memory chip which is why it is forbidden to retrieve someone's human chip unless the government will allow us.

"It will take a lot of time, Urriel," Sarrina said. But Urriel looks determined.

"It won't, we have the daughter of the director, right?" I massage my temples. I know this will backfired on me.

"Urriel, I cannot use my position here. This is the human chip we are talking about. We have laws, and you know that. As much as I wanted to get it a while ago but I cannot. That chip can be manipulated, can be erased." I explained but she didn't even blink. You know women, you cannot stand a chance on them when they didn't blink even though you already explained everything.

Then Urriel suddenly opened her watch on a holographic screen and swipe it up to view it on the center navigator. "Well, I don't think we need to wait for more," she smirks at me.

"How the hell and when did you ask for that?" I'm scratching my eyebrow now. She just shrugs her shoulders and makes a face that looks like searching for applause. I rolled my eyes at her, I turn my back on her then I continue to search for the other patient's profile.

"You are unbelievable, Urriel. How did you do that?" Sarrina asked her

"Well, I just ask for it from the director, and then poof! I have now the permission to retrieve that human memory chip"

"Way to go for Lex's soon to be--" I hear Juno's saying it

Did I just hear a familiar name? I turn around on them but they're just looking at me with big round eyes. Then they disperse to do their things

"Uhm, we need to get that chip now." I look at Urriel but she's not looking at me. What just happened?

"Let's go, I'm going with you," Sarrina grabbed Urriel's hand and then left the place.

Why do I feel this way? Like my stomach is churning. Did I hear it right?

Lex's soon to be? What?

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