Scott:he gets really nervous! He uses wolfy powers to help with cramps, run to stores, he even uses them to sense when it has come or gone.
Stiles:he gets clumsy! He runs to do things for you, before you can, tripping and falling all day long. But he says it's worth it because he gets to hear you laugh even when your pissed.
Jackson: he hates your get sooooo bitchy!!!! You can't grasp ahold of your emotions when you start your Niagara Falls week
Aiden: you refuse to have sex with him while you bleed, so he hates it! Other wise he is quite the gentleman about it. He will even go buy you tampons or pad by himself.
Isaac: sweet Isaac will always be there for you and take most of your pain away. if you once moan in pain, he starts massaging the area while taking a bit of the pain away.
Liam: he is soooo awkward about it. especially because you turn into such a bitch!!!!
Derek:you'd think he'd be an ass, but he did grow up with girls. He takes you pain away, cuddles with you, buys you your lady products, and most if all he always says I love you every hour you two are awake.