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𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔭𝔯𝔬𝔧𝔢𝔠𝔱

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𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔭𝔯𝔬𝔧𝔢𝔠𝔱

─── ‎ ‎ ‎★ ‎ ───

 Mila; (Meel-ah), originating from the name Milagros, meaning 'miracle'  

THE VERY FEW BANGS THAT SHE HAD bounced on her face as she trudged along to class, sticking to the sides of the halls to avoid bumping into people. Her hands were stuck onto the straps of her satchel, you could hear the faint noise of ink bottles clinking against each other, crumpled up pieces of parchment moving around. Her feet shuffled against the ground, trying to shove past the many students trying to get to their classes.

  Luna; Spanish for 'moon'

  She got held up by what she could assume was either stupid boys laughing, a student getting picked on, or some poor person pulled into a humiliating situation.

  Mila Luna was not one for socializing, apart from her friend group. She liked to keep to herself, spend her days in the far corner of the library studying or immersing herself with a new book she dug out from the depths of the shelves. She liked to think of herself as an extra in a film, a background, an unnamed character, just for show, to fill up space. That's what she liked, she was very happy with not getting attention. It kept things quiet.

  She let out a puff of air, sticking her head a bit to see what was holding everything up, she couldn't see much though. The crowd picked up traction again. It was the first day of the second semester, winter break had just ended and most students seemed lazy and drowsy jumping back into the routine. Mila was more than elated to get back to Hogwarts, she wasn't that close with anyone that she could talk to over break. She much preferred to have too many things to worry about instead of feeling nothing and numb.

  She entered her astronomy class, her favorite class might she add. She quickly walked to her usual seat, the second table to the back. The loud screeching of other stools perfectly drowned out the sound of her extremely loud one as she pulled it out.  She sat down, setting her bag on the floor beside her. Although it was her favorite class, Mila couldn't help but doze off most of the time, she was tired from the absence of sleep from the night before. Multiple times she could feel her eyes shut, then she'd force them to snap open again, trying to focus.

  "Because it is the start of the new term," Professor Sinistra started, "I've decided there will be no tests for the beginning of this new semester," the class erupted into quiet cheers, "Instead, I'm assigning a month-long project," she waved her wand towards the chalkboard, letters very slowly appearing on it, "It will be a group project between pairs of three. Two groups might have four as we don't have enough students," she walked towards her chart of different phases of the moon. "I want you all to find a way to execute the showings of the moon phases, whether this be a report, skit, presentation, or what not, I just want it done in a group of teamwork and collaboration!" Sinistra motioned back towards the chalkboard, "Here are the lists of groups and members, please gather yourselves."

MY MOON ‎ ·‎ ‎ ‎Remus Lupin [1]Where stories live. Discover now