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scene d'amour

scene of love

the honeymoon phase of any relationship could be described as sugary

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the honeymoon phase of any relationship could be described as sugary. an over indulgence in a new relationship could end badly, but not for mollie and ben. sure, they'd spent a lot of time together when their relationship was secret, but now, there weren't the same limits.

though, still, ben found himself hesitating when it came to talking to ezekiel. he couldn't figure out why, but there just never seemed to be the right moment. though, the saint she was, mollie never pushed or asked if he'd get over it with-even when he kinda wished that she would.

still, though, the honeymoon phase persisted. call it luck, call it young love, call it true love-things were just as perfect as they appeared to be. mollie knew on some level that the world, and all its inhabitants, were flawed in some way or another. and yet, every time she looked at ben, nothing ever seemed more flawless.

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