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~knuckles pov~
It's been about a week since we all got back from camp. We all live around the same spot. Armpit is the farthest away. He live about 10 miles from us. Our parents signed us up for school this year, and we're all really excited. Zigzags worried though. He's afraid of what the teachers will think of him. It was November 5th, 1998. We were all getting ready for school. We all decided that we'd walk together to school. Except armpit. That would be terrible to have to walk ten miles. We all met around the cul de sac and started our walk. Our school was about 2 minutes away. We were all talking and laughing when we got to school. It was a pretty huge school. I hadn't been here in a while. I grabbed zigzags hands and gave it an encouraging squeeze. We then walked into the school hand in hand. Kids were everywhere. I heard a familiar voice call my name.
"Teagan? Teags!!" She called. I turned around to see one of my best friends Dana.
"Dana!" I greeted, and walked over to her, pulling zigzag with me.
"Hows it goin?" She asked me
"Good! This is my boyfriend Ricky. But we all called him zigzag at camp." I told her proudly.
"Aww! Hi Ricky!" Dana said excitedly.
"Hey" zigzag said with a smile.
"You look cute today Teagan!" Dana told me.
I wore high waisted blue jeans, cuffed at the bottom. I wore black and white blazers, with a buttoned up cream colored and brown plaid flannel. I cuffed the sleeves a bit, and I tucked the flannel into the front of my jeans. Zigzag wore black Nike joggers with a white t shirt and some chains on his neck. He wore blue Nike Jordan's. This man had style.
"Thanks." I told Dana. We caught up a bit, and her and zigzag got to know each other. The other boys came too and we all talked until the bell rang.
"Well I gotta go. I'll see you at lunch Dana!" I waved.
The other boys waved to her, and we all went to our class. We all had the same schedule, since it was almost half way through the school year and it would be easiest to give everyone the same schedule. Our first period was science. We all walked into the science room. As we entered, mine and zigzags hearts dropped. Our science teacher used to me our math teacher last year.
"Oh hello- new students.." the science teacher hesitated when she saw me and zigzag.
"You all can sit in the back of the class. It's nice to meet you all.. very glad to have you in my class! What are your names?" She asked. Here we go.
"I'm Josè" magnet said.
"I'm Alan." Squid replied.
"I'm Theodore." Armpit said crossing his arms
"I'm hector." Zero mumbled
"I'm Stanley." Caveman greeted politely.
"I'm Teagan." I told her without eye contact
"I'm Ricky." Zigzag said, repeating what I did.
"I'm Rex." X-ray said, pushing his glasses up.
"Great! You all can sit down here, and we are talking about biomes so you may want to get your book out from under your desks." She instructed.
We all sat down, I sat beside Josè and Ricky. We got the books out from our desk and turned to the right page. We sat there bored out of our minds for about 45 minutes, and then the bell rang.
"Bye students! I'll see you Guys tomorrow!" Our teacher, Ms Morgan, waved goodbye. We all scurried out of the class as fast as we could. Next was math.
We went to our class and got a few stares by the others. A small scrawny boy with glasses looked at me and waved excitedly. I waved back. I wasn't that mean. I sat in the back with X-ray and magnet, with zigzag behind me. We were learning algebra. Math was definitely my strong suit, so I flew through the lesson. Our teacher, Mrs Jenkins, was pretty impressed. I liked this teacher much more than my science teacher. I'm not sure why, but I got the right vibes from Mrs Jenkins. The other boys liked her too. Zigzag played with my hair the whole time. Magnet seemed pretty intrigued. I was so glad we were all back at home again. I missed it here. Grey was already getting taller. I hated to admit it. I was zoned out, thinking of my own stuff, when the bell rang. The rest of the day went by like a flash of lightning. We had nachos for lunch. Better than the food at camp. Here, I could actually tell what they were serving. I sat with some of my new friends. The new kid, that waved at me in math, was tucker. Tucker was cool. He wasn't a nerd or anything, he was actually really funny. Believe it or not, they considered him popular. I sat with my boys, and a couple of other people came over to talk to us. I met a guy named Jameson, but everyone calls him James. He was nice, he played basketball which was cool. I also met a girl named Alice. She wasn't the prettiest, but she was really sweet. She wasn't considered "cool" or "popular" but I was okay with that. I made some really cool friends today. After school, I went to the gym and decided to talk to the womens basketball coach. I wanted to join the team.
"Hey, you have time to talk?" I asked her. The coach was tall and lean, and she had brunette hair.
"Yeah. You're one of the new kids right?" She replied. That's a plus, she kind of new me.
"Uh, yes ma'am. I was actually looking to join the team." I said, unsure of what she'd think. I did beat up two kids in an alleyway. I wouldn't blame her if she didn't want me on the team.
"Yeah! You'd look good as a point. Lemme get a ball, and we'll see what you got." She ran to the locker room and quickly got a ball. She threw it to me, and I caught it. I immediately turned to the basket and shot right where I was at, which was the three point line. Nothing but net. I played basketball before, just not for a team.
"Oh wow, ok, uhhh, try some ball handling moves. Like a cross over, In between the legs, behind the back, you know what to do." She said with a smile. I could tell she liked me. I did a couple of drills with the ball, like a spin move and some other things, and then threw up a jump shot from the elbow. Swish.
"Wow, you're really good! Why are you now just joining my team?" She asked jokingly. I laughed, and put the ball on a ball rack.
"You're in." The coach said as her and I shook hands.
"Thanks!" I said excitedly. She gave me a schedule and I went on my way. Zigzag was waiting for me outside the doors. He was pacing nervously.
"So?! Are you in?" He asked impatiently.
"Yes! She put me on the team!" I told him excitedly. He immediately relaxed and I hugged him tight. We then walked to his house, me and him were going to go bowling in a little bit. Over all, today was great. I think I might actually like school. It's good to be back.

I liked this chapter a lot! I hope you guys did too!! I think I wanna make a sequel but I'm not sure.
Stay salty
Stay happy
Dig holes<33

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