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3rd person:

Childe sat down on the stool next to zhongli, "one wine please" childe stated to the bartender.

4 minutes later(trust me i dont know how long it takes to make wine🕺💃) childe's wine is done, the bartender gave the wine to childe, and then not even 1hr in and everyone in the club is drunk🙂.

Problably drunker than venti Zhongli then looks at also drunker than venti childe, and stares at him (creep-😰)

Zhongli had a crush on childe for certain amount of time and guess what happend.

Zhongli dragged his azz to a nearby room that has a bed

Dont ask me why there ls a room with a bed the people who made the club problably knew people where gunna have seggs in there anyway

And then what happend next?

He pinned him to the bed.

And then he kissed childe on the lips and his tongue made its way all the way to childe's throat that if childe was you, you would feel like your running out of breath

Then Zhongli started stroking Childe's thighs which made Childe a little wet, then slowly Zhongli started to remove Childe's clothes until his boxers where long gone, then zhongli started to undress himself and then he asked Childe for 🎇consent🎇 then he nodded his head.

Then Zhongli put his 11 inche long motha fawking dragon d1ck in Childe's entrance and started thrusting in him fastly which ingame would problably cause like i dunno- 999999 damge or sm-

Childe started to moan loudly it sounds like "AaAh~ NgH~" thats how i portray Childe's moaning😁

Then Zhongli stop thrusting in Childe's azz and put his tongue inside (and a dragon's tongue is like- 12 inches long so uh be prepared Childe😟)

"AeGH~ XiAnshe-AGh~" loud moans started coming out of Childe's mouth as Zhongli put his tongue more deeper in, deeper than the knife in maizona's chest


This. is. a. smut. rollercoaster

And all of you are going to see the next part of this "rollercoaster"

Words: 405

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