~|Chapter 4|~

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|Kenny's POV|

While waiting for the school bus, i came to a realization. Butters is Professor Chaos. How did i find out? Well its simple really. It was pretty obvious from the appearence and the voice. Both of them are the same height and have the same body type aswell. They both have the same short skaterboy cut, how didn't i notice any sooner? It doesn't matter anyways. All that matters is that i dont have to worry about him figuring out my identity. Since i hardly ever show my full face, plus i make my voice deeper when im Mysterion. The only thing thats similar between us is the bodytype and eye color. I even thought of wearing platforms as Mysterion, so even thats different. So, since he's Professor Chaos, i need to find out more about him, so i can use it against him.

I get off the school bus and start walking with my head down, while trying to think of a way to approach him. I mean i did bully him...by bullying i mean Eric bullied him and i just watched him do it.

Before thinking anything else, i bump into Butters.

*Well speak of the devil.*

- Sorry, i wasnt looking where i was going. I say, trying to process what just happened.

- O-oh its fine dont worry i wasnt looking as well.! Butters says, sounding stressed.

-Well...i know this is gonna sound weird for me to say but uh. Do you wanna walk to class together? I want to make up for what ive done to you in the past. I say, trying to sound genuine and like i actually care.

-Sure fella..! He says surprised. Bet he didnt expect it.

*Oh im such a good actor sometimes, this turned out pretty smoothly, the universe is with me. This couldn't have worken out any better. I just have to get on his good side which will be pretty easy. I hope.*

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