~|Chapter 16|~

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|Kenny's POV|

 After opening up to Leo, I felt surprisingly better but also kind of awkward since he seems like he doesnt believe me or that he's unsure about what ive told him. I hope thats not the case and im just overthinking this, but i dont blame him if it is, i wouldnt believe myself either. Ugh i have a bad feeling about this situation..the whole truce thing sounds nice but is it really the best thing to do.? I mean just a moment ago he was insulting me and ranting to me and now he's siding with me? Something is definetely off, not sure what. I mean I dont think Leo will betray me and just go with Cartman or something but like he's still a villain right? Whatever, i'm not thinking straight. I'll just sleep I mean I do have school tomorrow.

{The Next Day}

I wake up and look at my phone. Shit- It's 8 i'm late. No wonder i woke up with such ease. I quickly get up and put on a white shirt some ripped jeans and some fingerless gloves. I didn't feel like wearing my parka since its so hot outside for some reason and there's no point anymore. I rush out of my house after eating a pop-tart  and start fast-walking. I don't really care if I miss 1st period since its P.E

{Time Skip}

When I finally arrive it's 8:30 so i've already missed most of the class. Eh, whatever. Not too bad of a time though, considering I left home at 8:15 and also considering that my house isnt close to school at all. Anyways, I should find Leo. I think he has a free period right now so why not? But before I make any steps, someone touches my shoulder. What is it this time?

I turn around to see..Cartman, Stan and Kyle. Great.!

Cartman- Kenny.! Long time no see..

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