CHAPTER 8 "It's a Feast!"

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(They arrive at a somewhat sketchy kind of place, they take a wonder around inside)

Musk: "What is this place?"

Clover: "Shh.."

(Clover looks at something in the distance on the table, he slowly walks up to it)

Clover: "what.."

Tyto: "What is it?"

Clover: "It's a note? To me? How did people know I was gonna be here?"

Musk: "How long ago did they write this is the question?"

Tyto: "What's it say?"


"Dear Clover,

If you're reading this now, I'm just going to let you know. We have your sister.. If you want to see her again, come take her back from "New Market '' That wouldn't be a problem, right? Good.. now come and get her before something goes wrong.. You have 3 months to get here..

From, The Cantox Family"


Clover: "... wha- how- ..... What's happening?"

Musk: "Hey man, it's gonna be okay, we're in this together"

Clover: "It's not okay!!!"

(Clover uses his fire power and flies out of the building, he flies off and lands on a roof. Crying sitting there, then Rei walks up)

Rei: "Hey Clo."

Clover: "hey Rei.."

Rei: "Hey, I know you have a lot on your mind.. I understand. And I feel you."

Clover: "How do you feel me? My sister is currently being kidnapped and may possibly die!"

Rei: "3 years ago, I had a little sister.. And one day it was just me and her at home..

-F L A S H B A C K-

(Rei is running around playing with his sister, laughing, then when they go back inside and are really shocked and scared.. Their parents are dead on the floor.. Rei's sister hugs him, he hugs her back for comfort. He then let's go to have a closer look, then hears a large BANG! He turns around, and sees his sister face flat onto the floor with a bullet through her head..)

Rei: "No! Lezi! Come back! No, no, please!"

-End of Flashback -

Rei: "By then.. She was already gone."

Clover: "Rei.."

Rei: "That's why I was training when you first saw me. Was because I don't wanna lose anyone else that I care about."

(Clover crawls in front on Rei and gives him a hug, Rei gives one back)

Rei: "I promise you.. We'll get back your sister."

(Clover smiles)

Clover: "Alright, let's go back to the others"

(They go back, and everyone is just sitting there waiting for them, they all ask if Clover is okay and Clover agrees. Then Clovers and Musks stomachs begin to rumble)

Musk: "Cloverrr, can we get something to eattt?"

Clover: "Haha, yes Musk, we can"

Musk: "Yaay! Now does anyone know a real kind of restaurant? And not a creepy one?"

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