chapter 3

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Hunter never liked her body. When her Mother was around and talked to her it was always how she needed to loose weight and how her belly poked out just a little to much or how she needed to fill in her hip dips or how she needed to go on runs to loose the fat on her thighs. Sometimes when her Mother got too drunk she would say how Hunter need to stop eating perminetly. When she was 14 she had became anerexic and she stoped eating little by little. Hunter started to feel like shit constantly and she had lost a lot of motivation for all the sports she played she had started to loose alot of weight in just under a year. Her thighs where no longer touching. Her belly had no fat on it and. Her hip bones were damn near showing, her cheek  bones where more prominent . She had went into a state of depression where it was a never ending void of nothingness. Hunter had stopped studying for school her grades had droped from an average 'B' to a low 'D'. On her 16 birthday she had tried to start eating again, she had alot of set backs but the more she ate the more she felt better, her body had started to fill back out and even the hip dips her Mother hated so much Hunter had ended up falling in love with, her thighs filled out just a little and she had gotten some fat back on to her belly, but when her Mother left a few moths ago she went back into that state of deppression and had slowly stopped eating again.

It's around 5pm and I'm walking home as I walk up the street I kept thinking of the boy from earlier how his blue eyes never looked away from me until he had to wring my stuff up but even then it was quick, how even tho he had baggy cloths on they suite him very well. How he smiled and it made me happy like I felt at home for the first time in a long time. As I walked into the house I saw Rue and Aunty fighting.
''where were you?'' Aunty asked
''I went out to eat'' Rue had said
''What do you mean, you went out to eat?'' Aunty replied
''What?'' Rue said as she started to walk off
''Dont walk away from me...... you know what rue I don't trust you.''Aunty had said raising her voice
''I don't know what you want me to say'' Rue said
'' I want you to tell me where you've been'' Aunty said getting more mad.
I had now walked into the living room as quietly as possible.
''I just said I went out to fucking eat'' Rue had yelled now defensive I had now walked by them into my room and shut the door as I grabbed my head phones and turned on peacful music and grabbed my book to read, as I sat down on my bed I heard a door slam.
'' Dont you dare slam my door'' Aunty yelled.
''It was an accident''Rue had yelled as I turned up my music.

time skip

*knock knock*

''Yah?'' I asked
''Hey do you wanna come to a party with me, mom thinks I'm going to my friend Lexi's house and I can't leave without you.'' Rue said as she walked into my room.
"Yeah sure let me put my shoes on.'' I say as I got up.
I put my book away and put my red converes on Rue nodded at me as we walked out my room and said goodbye and left. About 5 minutes into the walk a car pulled up next to us.
"Hey you going to the party if so hop in.''
Rue had walked over as I followed her in to the car.
"So who is this" I heard as I shoved my head phones in to my ears and drowned them out. The car ride was about a 10 min drive as we pulled up to the house and parked we all hoped out going our separate ways Rue had left me as soon as her foot was out of the car. 'fuck you ig' I walked in looking for the kitchen  when I did I grabbed a beer and walked to the backyard taking an occasional sip from it. I don't drink often and when I do I never drink enough to get me shit-faced. As I walked out back looking for a place to sit already pissed that I even said yes to coming with Rue. I saw Rue and the boy from earlier sitting on a couch as I walked up. Rue and him were having a deep conversation so I waited a little away and when Rue had got up and left only then did I go walk over to Fezco.
"Sup Darling" He said once he noticed me, as I sat down on the couch,
''Hey don't mind if I sit here do you?'' I asked
he shook his head and smiled .
''What are you doin' here.''
''Rue asked me to come but as soon as we got here she left what 'bout you?''
"Ohh you know just hanging out, so are you a friend of rue's?''
''no I'm her cousin I just moved up here from colorado''
''Is that so. May I ask what made you move here''
''My mother left me for a man she met a few months ago and sent me down here to live with them.''
"Damn I'm sorry to hear that Ma'.''
"What you don't like it I can call you something else."
"No you're good just I've never been called that before.''
"So like can I get your number?"
"Yeah it's 578*******."
As Fez and I were talking Rue had walked up to me.
"Hey you don't mind if I ditch and go with a friend... Maybe you can stay with Fez if he's cool with it'' Rue had said
"Its up to him you don't mind do you?''I asked
he shook his head and said yeah.  We watched as she walked off.

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