chapter 5

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the rest of the week went by as a blur for Hunter she didnt talk to Rue or Fez, tho she wasn't mad at him he had asked them to leave, and Rue and her didn't listen. Rue hadn't tried to make conversation to Hunter. Rue had spent most of her days with Jewels. While Hunter had thought of how to try and at least give Ash some what of a child hood before it was to late. Its was friday and Hunter had skipped, she had planned on going over to the gas station to talk to Fez and Ash.

I hopped out of bed and took a short shower, and got changed into a light green summer dress and a white cardigan to go over it. i grabbed my convers and put them on. walking out of the house locking the door. the whole walk there i thought bout how i can get Ash to talk with me and so i can see some of his interest.

''hey Fez'' i said with a wave smiling.

''hey Ma' aint you supposed to be at school or sum'.'' he asked

''yeah but i wanted to talk to you and Ash so i skipped.''i said walking up to him while sitting on the
ground next to him.

''is that so.. well what you want to talk bout Ma'?'' he asked.

'' im sorry that i havent messaged you. i just wanted to think bout what you had told me.'' i said

''Its okay i understand.. i thought i was never gonna see you again after last week.''

''well that would never happen your too cute to stay away from.''

'' ohh so you think im cute huh.'' he said teasing me.

'' well yeah.'' i said flustered ' how can i not your so flippin adorable ' i thought

''hey im gonna head to the back i want to talk to Ash real quick okay'' i say standing you and walking into the store. i walk into the freezer and saw ash counting money.

'' hey ash'' i say as he stopped and looked up.

''what are you doing back here?'' he asked.

'' i wanted to see if you wanted to come with me to night to a roller skating ring ?'' i asked

'' why not take Fez?''

''well if i wanted him to come i would have asked but i want to take you because you should have some fun while you still a kid'' i said

'' are you taking pity on me.'' ash asked sounding annoyed

''to be honest yeah a little but that dosen't mean i think of you any different okay. now you are coming with me whether you like it or not and if you want to you can bring Fez, but you better be ready by 6pm i don't care if you want to or not you coming with okay.'' i said to Ash

''whatever, now leave. '' he said pissed
as i walk out of the back room i had a smile on my face.

''whats got you so cheeky Ma'' Fez asked.

'' Ash and me are going to the skating ring tn.'' i said

'' is that so, how did you get him to agree?'' he said

'' well im kinda forcing him to go.'' i say rubbing the back of my neck.
I heard him chuckle, i looked at him and smiled

''can i ask you something?'' Fez asked

'' yeah go ahead" i said

'' are you okay with me doing what i do?'' he asked looking down

'' your not using are you.'' i said and watched as he shook his head


''then i dont care you have to make ends meet, and sometimes when you do so you have to do some
illegal shit okay. now i dont know who that is in the back room but you need to support her and ashtray, so you gotta do what you need to.''

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