The train

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Start of the Half Blood Prince

“Luna, we’re going to be the last ones on the train if you don’t hurry up.” said Ginny frantically. She and Luna were still in their compartment, on the almost empty Hogwarts express. The ride to Hogwarts had been uneventful, due to the fact that no one had any reason to stop by and talk, aside from Neville, who had looked in on them on his way to the food trolley. Ron was doing his prefect duties, as was Hermione, and Harry hadn’t been seen the entire train ride. Ginny suspected that Draco had something to do with that, but she wasn’t making any assumptions. As for everyone else, no one talked to Luna, even after she and the others had been to the ministry a few months ago, and Ginny didn’t want to talk to anyone anyway. She wanted to talk to Luna, and only her. Since their first year, Ginny had been intrigued by the Ravenclaw girl. Her long blonde hair, her uniqueness in everything and her tendency to not care what people thought of her. All these features had been closely watched and admired by Ginny, unnoticed by Luna herself.

Fast forward five years and Ginny and Luna were standing together in their deserted train compartment. “Ginny I can’t find my copy of The Quibbler! I need it to show professor Trelawney.” Luna exclaimed, looking rather alarmed by Ginny’s tone of voice, lifting the cushions off the seats. Ginny sighed. She regretted raising her voice at Luna, and quickly began to search for the magazine.
“Sorry Luna. When did you last have it?” asked Ginny, trying to ignore the fact that the sound of the other students was gradually growing softer as the last people exited the train.
“I had it when I came back from the bathroom, because I showed you that piece on mandrake transformation. It was quite fascinating. My favourite part was- ”
“Luna, now isn’t the time,” interrupted Ginny. “I’m sorry, but I don’t think that it’s here, we’ve looked everywhere!” Luna looked out the window at the group of carriages and thesterals waiting to take the students up to the castle.
“Alright then.” she said. Ginny was quite taken aback at her sudden agreement. Usually, Luna would continue to state her beliefs and would refuse to listen to anyone who suggested otherwise. This sudden change of heart made Ginny uneasy for some reason, though not in a bad way. It was hard to explain. “Ginny, are you alright?” Luna’s question brought Ginny back to the present. She assumed her face had given her away, and she quickly smiled.
“Yeah I’m fine, Luna. Let’s go.”

The two of them walked to the end of the train, watching the slow progress of the first carriages taking the students to Hogwarts. Just before they reached the door however, Luna suddenly stopped. Ginny looked at her, curiously.
“Ginny…” Luna said slowly, her voice different from its usually vague, mysteriousness. It sounded nervous and uncertain, but also eager and longing.
“Y- yes?” replied Ginny. She was a bit disconcerted by this sudden change of tone.
“I- ” A whistle blew and the train slowly began to leave the station. Luna looked away and walked towards the door. Ginny didn’t move. She felt something was wrong.
“Luna are you alright? You- ” but her words were cut off, due to the fact that Luna had run towards her and pressed her mouth on Ginny’s.

Ginny couldn’t move. She was shocked. Ginny Weasley, standing on an empty train, being kissed by the person she had loved for over 4 years. Her body slowly began regaining its consciousness, her mind clicking back into place and realising exactly what was happening, but a second too late. Luna broke off, staring at Ginny’s pale face. Tears filled her silver eyes as she turned away.
“I’m sorry.” she whispered. “That was- I- I’m sorry.” Luna wrenched open the door and prepared to leave the Hogwarts Express which was slowly chugging out of the station, but before she had taken another step, Ginny pulled her back and kissed her, properly this time. She felt Luna freeze, but after a moment she relaxed, and kissed her back. Ginny’s brain and heart were on fire, burning with the love she had concealed for 4 years. She had no thought in her brain. She didn’t care that this was her best friend. She didn’t care that they were 15. She didn’t care that the train was gathering speed and was almost completely out of the station. A jolt brought them both back to Earth.
“Luna we have to get off, we’ll be left on the train!” Ginny grabbed Luna’s hand and together they jumped onto the tiny dark platform.

They fell onto the rough, grey, stone floor of the station, and watched the train disappearing around the corner. The stars twinkled overhead as the moon came out from behind a cloud. “Luna…” said Ginny slowly, failing to hide the immense happiness filling her entire body. She didn’t want to leave. She wanted to stay on the cold, hard ground with Luna forever.
“Shhhh,” whispered Luna, pressing her finger against Ginny’s mouth. Ginny’s stomach exploded with butterflies and she grinned shyly at Luna. Usually, Ginny was the one taking control, being loud and confident, but with Luna it was different. She had a different way about her that made Ginny nervous, intrigued, happy and calm all at the same time. It was rather confusing but Ginny preferred it that way.
“If we hurry we can climb into the last carriage.” smiled Luna happily, and they set off towards the gates, their hands finding each other, their hearts burning as one.

So I didn't edit this at all which is fun. I really like it even though it doesn't really fit with Luna's personality but I don't care. Anyway, if you like it please comment and I might add more. (The other ones won't be at all related to this one they're all just one shots)

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