chap. 1

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It was a very cold and dark night up in the mountains of Japan. The sky was pure black, you can see some of the stars. The nearest town is already dark, and not a single soul turns on their lights or goes out. That's because there are demons out there where they'll kill and eat you.

Tanjuro and his wife Kie, despite living on the mountain, know very well not to go out at night, but Tanjuro has to because Kie is pregnant and sick. Tanjuro remembers that there is a special flower that can heal his wife.

"But do be careful out there," Kie said.

Tanjuro grabbed a knife for protection, "I will don't worry." He opened the door and closed it, leaving his wife alone in the house at night with their unborn kid.

Meanwhile, a burgundy-coloured flower stood proud on the soft grass. It shines so brightly, you can see it within 5 kilometres. 

But it is not alone; someone was peeking through a bush, someone with long bright yellow hair with red streaks, monstrous-looking teeth, very tall, and his eyes shining like it was flames. He looked around if someone was there, no one. He came out of the bush and revealed his entire body.

He was a demon. A demon who was turned into this many centuries ago. He was once a part of a group called 'The Hashira' but were defeated and as punishment, were turned into demons.

His name is Kyojuro Rengoku.

He looked down at the flower with excitement in his eyes. According to legend, this flower can transform someone from a demon into a human. Though some were destroyed years ago and thought to be extinct. But here it is, in front of Kyojuro, the only one left of its kind.

Kyojuro was about to pick it up when he heard footsteps, he quickly hid and saw Tanjuro. He saw the flower and picked it up. "This will help my wife."

He quickly left the scene but was unaware that Kyojuro was watching him, and he was pissed. That was his only chance of becoming human again, now it's gone!

Kyojuro growled and screamed very loudly. Tanjuro heard it and ran faster and faster to his house. Luckily, he made it safe and made the flower into a drink for his wife. 

He came into their room where Kie was lying down on the bed. He turned the flower into hot, steaming tea as he gave it to Kie as she took it and drank it. She felt much better afterwards.

A few weeks later, their son, named Tanjiro was born. He did have a birthmark on his forehead, but the doctor said they have nothing to worry about. But other than that, he was the greatest gift they would ever imagine, he is a ray of sunshine to them. But they did not know that Kyojuro had been watching them ever since Tanjiro was born. 

Kyojuro was originally going to eat the kid and get the flowers’ powers, but every day when he sees Tanjiro, he can't feel but adore Tanjiro. 

So he decided to take him as his kid.

Tanjiro was sleeping in his crib in his room one night. His parents were in the living room talking while watching TV. 

Kyojuro quietly went inside Tanjiro's room. He stood tall while looking down at the baby. He smiled as he gently picked him up and rocked him. Tanjiro led his head onto his chest. He smiled as he gently traced his finger in circles on his cheek.

That was a mistake.

His fingernail was so sharp that it cut Tanjiro's cheek. He cried loudly while Kyojuro tried to calm him down. But he couldn't, he could hear footsteps coming. He had no time as he went to the window. 

The door smashes opened and the parents saw their son in the hand of a demon. They were shocked as Kyojuro hissed at them and left the scene by jumping out of the window. As soon as he landed, he quickly took off running into the woods. He could hear Tanjuro screaming their son's name. 

But Kyojuro is not giving them their son back. No, it's his and only his.

A few days have gone by, Kyojuro is living in a port town far away from the mountain with Tanjiro. He decided to move there since there are a lot of people in the town and Tanjiro’s parents won’t search for them since they live far. 

They are having lunch together at the park near their new house Kyojuro just bought, a small house that is enough for a single parent and their kid. During those few days, Kyojuro’s transformation from a demon back into a human was a success. 

The only minor issue he found out is whenever Tanjiro gets hurt (for example, Tanjiro accidentally cut his finger from a paper and it took two days to recover), Kyojuro turns back into a demon and remains that way depending on how long the wound recovers. So as long as Tanjiro doesn't get hurt, he’ll remain a human.

Nevertheless, he is happy to be a human after centuries of being a demon. He misses going out in public during the day and not the night. He misses tasting all the yummy food all over the town instead of eating people, and most importantly is his appearance. Instead of looking like a monster, he looks normal, like he did centuries ago. No sharp teeth, no sharp nails, and no demon-looking eyes. Just normal.

It’s all thanks to Tanjiro and the flower’s powers.

Throughout the many months and years, Kyojuro taught Tanjiro many things, including not to go alone without Kyojuro. One day, while they were watching TV, 5-year-old Tanjiro asked, “Why can’t I go outside by myself?”

“Because my boy, the outside world is a dangerous place. Filled with horrible, selfish people. You must stay with me at all times, where you're safe. Do you understand?”

“Yes, daddy.”

Despite living in a small house, rent is expensive here and since Kyojuro hasn’t worked in centuries, Kyojuro decided to get a job where he can work from home so he would not have to leave Tanjiro alone and pay rent and other stuff.

When Tanjiro was ready for school, he let Tanjiro attend school since he works at home and the best part is that the school is only a few blocks from their house so Tanjiro can safely walk to school and back home by himself.

Of course, with Tanjiro gone, Kyojuro turns back into a demon. But he does turn back into a human as soon as Tanjiro opens the door to the house.

Life is good for them, and Kyojuro is ready to take care of Tanjiro, never leaving him.

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