Chapter 47 Back to school

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We continue with the special, enjoy it 😉

kiyo pov

Just when I'm enjoying a quiet day with my girlfriend, the Student Council President shows up, says not to hold grudges but isn't totally sure, I also see Vice President Nagumo for the first time, from what I've heard, someone troublesome and annoying who controls everything your year

Nagumo: What a coincidence to find you here, making new friends?

With that, he shoots us a look, but he had already foreseen that this would happen sooner or later.

Kiyo: Nice to meet you Senpai, I'm Ayanokouji and this is Sakura, both from Class D

I greet Nagumo very politely and Airi acts shy and not even without seeing it as she slowly hides behind me

Airi: A lot.... Taste

I see Manabu is surprised by the sudden change in attitude, but soon after he seems to realize our intentions.

Nagumo: Ayanokōji?? Good attitude Kouhai, you're the one from that Class D, listen you're good at games.... what a pity about your class

Manabu: It is not necessary to bring up that topic Nagumo

Nagumo: I'm just telling the facts, to think that an entire Class would still be at 0 points for several months

Kiyo: Thank you very much Senpai, certainly, the exams that qualify for group performance are not my thing, so I looked for more... fair means, I do not want to spend my school life without points

Hearing that, Nagumo smiled.

Nagumo: Certainly, but don't worry, very soon this school will be fairer, if you are skillful you don't have to worry

Kiyo: That's good to hear, I'm looking forward to seeing the new school, now if you'll excuse us

With that I walk away from them while Airi stays by my side.

Airi: Hmph, it was pretty tiring, I'm surprised it could have been like this for years...

Kiyo: You did a good job, but it seems the next time we want to swim, I'll pay for a more private date.

Airi: It was good that you anticipated this, and I like that idea, but how did you know that the two were looking?

Kiyo: Arisu told me about the Vice President's wishes and I assumed that Manabu would want someone who could stop him after hearing people like Ichinose and Katsuragui reject him, as well as the impression I left on him after Horikita

An attitude in favor of meritocracy to show my disinterest in helping him as well as fighting or calling Nagumo's attention, why risk my Peaceful Life for his mistakes?

Airi: You know, I've gotten better at gathering information too.

It seems she doesn't like my meetings with Arisu, but there are certain topics that I still can't talk to her about

Kiyo: What do you think about joining me at the next meeting?

Airi: Mmm, nice, I want to meet who Kiyo-kun recognized

With that, we went back to our room, as there are classes tomorrow, everyone returned to her room, I felt a little strange to sleep alone again

-time skip-

We start the new semester, the aura in the classroom is more.... Quiet?

It seems Hirata is more distant from the others, Kushida's group was affected by it, while Karuizawa's group seems to be her leader in worse condition, will it be the effects of fighting between boyfriends?

Well it's not my problem

While being greeted by the Ayanokouji group, among them, Airi who keeps her makeover, many of them kept looking at her, but looked away from her after she stood up to greet me with a short kiss on her forehead. the lips

Airi: Good morning, Kiyo-kun.

KIyo: Good morning, Airi, did I miss something?

Airi: Well...

With eos she tells me that Hirata has acted colder than before the holidays, now she is avoided by both genders, there are rumors that she also broke up with karuizawa but it is not confirmed, even so

Karuizawa looks very scared, she keeps looking at her phone, as if she doesn't want to keep whoever is going to contact her waiting.

Kushida's group and the rest of the boys are not so affected, but the lack of points is already taking its toll, many now live on free food and products

Kiyo: Looks like they'll have a long year

Airi: It seems so

Haruka: I don't blame them, if it wasn't for Kiyopon we would be like this

Kiyo: I guess that explains why I received so many messages and calls

Airi: Uh...

I showed Airi my phone, some were greetings, invitations, others were selling me some things, it seems word of my success in the arcade spread, well even the Senpai found out

Akito: What a way to be popular...

Keisei: They expect you to share points with them?

Kiyo: I already have planned what to do

Airi: You can count on me

She says that while they keep running their eyes over each number... when will I get my cell phone back?

We spent time talking until our new teacher Kayama-sensei arrived.

Kayama: Good morning students, I hope you have enjoyed your vacations, before starting, as you may have noticed, now I will teach the subject of history, I suppose everyone already knows the rules

No one answered, there were doubts about what happened to Chabashira, but no one has the initiative to ask anymore

Kayama: If there are no questions, let's move on to the next point.

With that he wrote two words on the blackboard, then sent certain information to our tablets

"Sports Festival"

Enough with this chapter, thank you very much for reading, I admit the following volumes will be shorter, since the main obstacles are outside, what do you think of my idea to avoid dealing with Manabu and Nagumo? See you 😊

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