Chapter 56 Last Test

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Hello again, thank you very much for your support, we continue with another awaited moment 😉

PS: by mistake I published Satou's SS first, but I already corrected it, the SS is cap 55 and the continuation of cap 53 is 54


We kept walking, notice this time he took me to his bedroom, he hadn't come here for a long time

Somehow the atmosphere didn't feel so nice this time.

Airi: Can I get you something?

She says it with a smile, but I can see it doesn't reach his eyes

Kiyo: Water is fine

With that pour me a glass, she too

After a few minutes of silence...

Airi: Something you want to tell me?

Kiyo: You have improved a lot, from what I see you had no problems with Matsushita, also your physical abilities, even now you control your emotions, but your presence has become more noticeable, even your gaze can paralyze someone

Airi: That's all.

Kiyo: You are the only one for me, Airi

Airi: So?

I had to be careful, this was a risk I decided to take to see his abilities and gauge his reaction.

Kiyo: Back then I let her take my arm to see your reaction, I'm sorry I used that method

Sabia couldn't lie to him, he had somehow figured out my neutral face, even though I've kept it for years, he somehow seems to recognize my emotions

Airi: Was it necessary?

Kiyo: No, I'm so sorry.

Airi: Then why?

Her voice was breaking, the calm she maintained was slowly breaking.

Kiyo: For our Peaceful Life

Airi: Our??

Kiyo: Of course, it was the last test, the control of your emotions and you did almost quite well

Airi: Not perfect?

Kiyo: Your presence could be felt as well as intimidation


Kiyo: I feel that

I lowered my head as a sign of apology, I had already told her that her training was almost complete, but it was not only because of her emotions, it was also about trust and internal anti-sabotage

I remained motionless still feeling what was coming

I received a strong kick in the stomach, although I tensed my muscles, I still felt pain

I fell down easily, he started to hit me, in several places, but I didn't resist, he put his hands on my neck and started to put pressure, I just touched her on the cheek and gave her what I had hardly done in years, I showed a smile, or so i felt it was

Before I lost consciousness, the pressure stopped

Airi: Tell me, this was the last test right?

Kiyo: That's right

Luckily I could still speak

Airi: So I deserve my reward right?

Kyo: Of course.

Airi: Well, don't use that method again please....

Little by little certain tears fell, after having taken out his anger and seeing my state, now only internal pain remains

Kyo: I promise

Airi: I didn't like that feeling, I don't want to lose you

Kiyo: You won't, we'll enjoy our Peaceful Life at school

Airi: It's not enough...

Airi. I want you to be mine always

Kiyo: Outside of this school it won't be that easy, even here, things will get harder little by little

President Sakayanagi had told me that there were certain movements in the board of directors, it seems that man will soon make his move

Airi: I don't understand, but if strength is needed, I will have it, no matter what.

Kiyo: Are you sure? Once I know that step, you won't be able to leave...

Airi: I am, I have nothing to lose apart from you Kiyo-kun!!!

He had told me that his family situation was not very good, it seems he does not mind putting them at risk too, that makes things easier

Kiyo: So, what I am going to tell you is all true, once you hear it, your life will change forever, are you willing to risk everything for us?

Airi: I am!!!

Without hesitating for a second, he agreed.

I have enjoyed the time with her, but her dependence has become very big, once she finishes school, I am not sure what she will do, I would not have cared at first, but I do not want to abandon her, not only as a tool, she is now more than That, even if I have to take away everything else....

Uff, Airi yandere appeared, she's still adorable isn't she? a beautiful chapter of KiyoxAiri, see you 😊

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