After that man named jimin saved me I had to quickly go back to the library because I was late and I didn't want to be yelled at. So I took a deep breath and went in the store and started to work but the boss still didn't call for me so I went to his office but to my surprise he was kissing a lovely looking woman who's always been here. They didn't see me so I just closed the door gently and went back to work.
Jimin pov After that meeting with taehyung I went to work I didn't really wanna take my car because it wasn't really that far I just take my car when I wanna flex on people I'm joking I only take it when im lazy. I get to work and as soon as I get into the building there's already people near me asking to be mine. They are beautiful but nothing can compare to that boy taehyung. I slowly push them away I really didn't have the energy to flirt with them so I went to my office and slept
Taehyung pov Today wasn't really packed and the fact that I could hear my boss having "it" with that woman wasnt really all that comfortable but then this tall handsome man came in with a dimple faced man which was by the way also handsome they greeted me I was really astonished by their beauty so I forgot to answer but after a few awkward coughs I came back to reality.
A/n pov Um hello.......... Says the dimple man looking at the brown haired boys(I forgot to mention taehyung has brown hair) name tag. Taehyung hello. Ohh um hi sirs how may I help u. The handsome man said www such a cute boy, we wanted to ask where are the love stories. Ohh well on ur left on the top shelf said taehyung. Thanks said the two men and just like that they left to go read their love books.
Three hours later
Taehyung pov The two men left but before they did they asked for my number and I obviously gave them cause I could feel a good friendship coming. Well my shifts over so I locked, my boss and that pretty woman already left so it was up to me to lock up so while I was outside u will never believe who I bumped into.............
It was jimin
"Oh um sorry" i said. "nah don't worry" jimin said ruffling taehyungs brown hair. didn't mind jimin touching my hair because I mean I bumped into him.
Jimin pov "Umm taehyung u bumped into me correct" I said. "Yea I did I'm very sorry by the way" taehyung said. "So um as a way to get me to forgive u, u have to get dinner with me"i said." Um I mean I was going to say no but since i bumped into u, sure" taehyung said. "Yes "I said.
A/n pov
Let's go, are u tired should we go with my car or do u want to walk said jimin." Umm I'd like to go with the car if that's okay with u "said taehyung. Okay let me cally assistance to bring the car."jimin said.
Jimin took out his phone and dialed his assistants number.
" Yooh wassupp jungcock...... What no, shut up and listen... I meet someone and I like them so bring car.... It doesn't matter which one just bring one.
Just like that jimin ends the call.
While taehyung and jimin were getting to know each other
15 minutes later Jungkook came and he greeted taehyung (took his hand and kissed it) jimin was fuming so he took taehyungs hand and pushed jungkook. Jungkook left but before he did he gave taehyung a wink. Taehyung was very embarrassed that's why he was blushing. So jimin took his hand so jimin was holding taehyungs hand he then said, :"I don't want jungkook holding ur hand because we don't know where his hand has been". Um okay taehyung said blushing. They got in the car and they were still holding hands honestly taehyung didn't mind he might have kinda sorta enjoyed it. They sang songs in the car, they got to the restaurant and u won't believe who taehyung saw
He saw........
_____________________ I'm done, sorry for not updating I've been busy but hope u enjoy this picture of jungkook 😊
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