Part 1

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Narrator: In a land far, far away lies the kingdom of fiore, A small, peaceful Nation of 17 million, and a place filled with magic. Found in every home, bought and sold in every marketplace. For most magic is merely a tool, a mundane part of everyday life. For some however magic is an art, and they devoted their lives to its practice. These are the wizards. Banded together into magical guilds, they ply their skills in search of fame and fortune. Many such guilds dot the landscape of fiore. But there is a certain guild in a certain town. That soars high above the rest. One from which countless legends have been born. A guild that will no doubt continue to create legends well into the future. Its name is fairy tail.

This is the port town of hargeon.

Third Pov

"Excuse me sir" the man said trying to wake natsu up.

"Natsu, we made it to Hargeon. Come on, get up already," Happy said

"Is he all right?" The man said

"Hes fine, this always happens when he travels," Happy said

"Never– I'm Never riding. A stupid train again," Natsu said

"If our information's correct than we should find that salamander somewhere in this town. Let's go," Happy said

"Just give me a second, would you?" Natsu said

(Train whistle as the train starts the move as Natsu panics)

"NO," Natsu said

"Uh-Oh, there he goes," Natsu said

Celeste Pov

"What, You mean to tell me there's only one magic shop in this whole town?" Lucy said

"I told you lucy," I said

"Don't start Celeste," Lucy whined as I shrugged my shoulders

"Fraid so. These people around here are more fishing folk than there are magic folk, I reckon most people in town don't even know how to use magic. I built this shop to sell to the wizards who happen to be passing through," The old man said

"Oh Man, I came out all this way for nothing," Lucy said

"I been trying to tell you this but you never listen to me," I said crossing my arms

"Im sorry celeste," Lucy said trying to give me her puppy eyes

"Fine cut it out your creeping me out," I said

"Now, Now don't say that, little lady. I have all the latest goods. Let me show you a few. This colors magic is popular. All the young girls really seem to like it. It lets you change the color of your clothes anytime you want, Purple," THe old man said as his clothes change

"We already have one old man," I said

"Celeste don't be rude, sorry sir but what I really want are some powerful gatekeys," Lucy said but the old man did hear her as he changed his clothes to green (Lucy gasps) As I turn around to see what she was doing.

"Gatekeys, huh? That's a rare request," Old man said

"OW, wow, it's the little doggie!" Lucy said

"Yes, but that one's not very powerful you know." The old man said

"I know but I really, really, want it," Lucy said

"Wrong answer," I mumbled

"So how much," Lucy asked

"20,000 jewels," the old man said as I started to laugh as lucy glared at me

"I'm sorry but how much was that again?" Lucy asked

"I said 20,000 jewels," Old man said

"Oh god lucy don't even try it," I said

"Shut it, Celeste," Lucy said as she got on the counter as I sighed

"Aww come on. How much is it really worth? Surely you can cut me a deal," Lucy said winking as i had a look of disgust on how far my sister will go. As we left the store.

"Uggg, I can't believe he only knocked off a thousand jewel. That stubborn old geezer must be blind. That trick usually work so much for using my feminine wiles," Lucy said

"It only works because you make me do most of the flirting to either lower the price a lot or to distract the men while u grab the key and run," I said as Lucy pouted

"You didn't have to hurt my pride like that," Lucy said

(Girls cheering) As me and lucy turn our head.

"Are you serious? He's really here?" Girl #1 said

"It's salamander?" Girl #2 said

"Salamander??" I questioned

"Salamander? As in the wizard who uses fire magic," Lucy said

" I kind of doubt it while will he be hargeon," I said crossing my arms as lucy ignored me

"You can't even buy in stores? Wow!" Lucy said excitedly

"I forget when she gets in fan mode it no stopping her," I thought

"He in this dead in town," Lucy said

"That's what I was trying to say, something is fishy we need to be careful," I said

"Oh relax Celeste, we haven't faced any trouble so we should be good," Lucy said

"I still have a bad feeling," I said

"Okay how about this if your right you get to say I told you so," Lucy said

"I guess," I sighed 

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