Chapter 39

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Everything that defined my being. My very existence. Millions of atoms that culminated and formed the sentient person that was me.

All of them - ouch.

They were ouching. They were ouching really badly.

I don't remember fluttering my eyes wide open, I just knew that they were suddenly open and blinking and seeing.

Seeing light, mostly, a bright light. Adding significantly to the ouchy turmoil I was in.

Bright light at the end of the tunnel... could be that I was dying, or perhaps I was already dead.

Briefly, I entertained the thought, was partially convinced I was actually. Then the light that beamed at me started swaying about. Then suddenly I wasn't so sure anymore.

Closer it crept into my sights, and goddamn did it hurt my eyes. I tried cowering away, like a vampire to the sun, but instead, I ended up bashing the back of my head onto something hard.

Another ouch added to the list of things that ached. Life is pain.

I let out a hiss. A painful hiss that was reciprocated with a light chuckle. To my utter surprise, the light started talking.

"I don't bite, dude," it said in a rather amused inflection. "Besides, pretty sure you've been bitten enough times to last a lifetime anyway."

Ria's voice, Ria's light... glowing bright. I was alive... but why couldn't I...?

"I can't... I can't see you..." I said.

Speaking was a struggle, my voice crackled in my throat, and the words that came out were more of a croak than anything else.

The glimmer of orange tilted sideways. "Well... you did die, so..."

"I died?"

"97 seconds by my count," she said. "Even for us fantasy folks, that's a long time to stay dead."

Just... I was doing my best to comprehend the situation. I needed a moment to breathe, I needed a moment to - I needed to feel. I couldn't feel. Someone just told me that I died and yet I was feeling unusually calm about it. Why?

Where's my worry? My apprehension?

"You're a bit numb right now," Ria continued. "Emotionally, anyway. I could give you a cologne of Irene's scent and you'd stay as flaccid as a sausage. Don't worry, your senses will come back around eventually."

A bit of good news was that I still retained some basic motor functions. I could move my arm, have it stretched out in front of me. The only problem was that I couldn't see it.

Everything in sight just glimmered and glowed in rims of light.

"You brought me back?" I asked the flickering orange light.

I saw the orange sway quickly from side to side. Ria was shaking her head.

"Magnificent and glorious as I am, alas even I lacketh the strength of bestowing life. Meaning to say, you needed more than just a phoenix to bring you back. I wouldn't be able to do a thing on my own."

My emotions were gone. But you can bet your ass that confusion was the one thing that lingered.

"Who saved me, then?"

"Your Elf did," spoke a voice from somewhere in the distance.

Soon the glimmer of orange was joined by another. A darker, crimson shade took a place just beside it, bringing with it the unmistakable aroma of enticement.

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