🐊 Depressed Frenchie 🧪

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"How's this for English, bitch?"

"When you reduce life to black and white, you never see rainbows

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"When you reduce life to black and white, you never see rainbows."

Full Name: Benjamin Copper

Nickname(s): Ben, lizard boy

Age: S1 - 17, S2 - 18, S3 - 19, S4 - 20

Gender: Male

Species: Human

Birthday: February 17th

Zodiac: Aquarius

Sexuality: Homosexual

Ethnicity: French


- Oswald Copper (Father)

- Charlotte Copper (Mother)


- Eleanor Rigby

Personality: Between him and Eleanor, Ben is the sanest. He's a somewhat happy and positive person. He's optimistic, always trying to see the best in most of the scenarios he's in, and in general, always tries to have a smile on his face. Ben is also a very grateful person. He has shown not wanting much and just being happy with his current life. He does expect the best in people, his optimism extends to a romantic and somewhat naive view on the world, and has a strong sense of honesty; He also desires to tell the truth, no matter how much trouble it may cause. His honesty, however, is prevailed by his politeness towards others. He is in general morally grounded. He is typically the one to stop his friends from doing anything wrong and is slow to take 'shady' approaches. This trait of Ben is what causes Eleanor to see him as a 'moral guardian'. He is also very fairly sensitive and empathetic. Ben's very affectionate with others, as seen in his interactions with Eleanor. However, despite his general happiness and positivity, he has been known to get angry at times when pushed beyond his limit. Although it is a side of his personality not often seen.

Likes: He enjoys a fair share of reading and art and fancies certain types of beverages such as soft drinks or iced tea. He does enjoy card games and board games such as Uno, Monopoly, and Battleship. He's very fascinated with science, chemistry, and reptiles and often will rant about his hyper fixation on the topics. 

Dislikes: He despises it when people invade his personal space. Ben makes it very clear that he has a personal bubble and if someone pops it, he will throw hands because he doesn't understand basic human interaction. Aside from that, he has a bit of an intolerance for arrogance and is not fond of selfishness. Don't ask him if he likes chess because he will say no.

"Animals don't kill each other with clever machines. Only humans do that."

"Stay gold, lizard boy

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"Stay gold, lizard boy."

General Facts:

- Due to being French, Ben does speak with a genuine accent.

- He was and still is capable of playing six different instruments.

- Those instruments in question are guitar, trumpet, ukulele, piano, clarinet, and flute.

- Ben legit hates meat. Like, he's not a vegetarian or anything, he just can't stomach meat. It makes him sick.

- Had a pet goldfish when he was little.

- When it died though, his mom cooked it right in front of him. He was five and he was traumatized ever since.

- He and Eleanor have been friends since they were little kids. Ben even once let her cut his hair. Terrible mistake.

- Ben's blind as fuck. He cannot see without his glasses, he's legally blind.

- Unlike Eleanor, Ben actually shows up at school and usually helps her out with all the shit she keeps missing.

- He's also a theater kid.

- And a massive science and chemistry nerd.

- He is not a fan of Eleanor's drug and alcohol habits but expresses his concerns very little because he knows how she'll react.

- Unknown to anyone besides his doctors, Ben does suffer from a degenerative neurological disorder, which will cause him to eventually lose almost all of his motor functions. He's kept this from Eleanor because he doesn't want her to fuss and worry herself over him. He theorized the disorder originated from the hormonal therapy his father forced him to go through.

- Ben does end up going missing (around the middle of S2) one night after conducting a few experiments of his own innovation. 

- When this is inevitably discovered, his friends only found bloody scales on the ground in his garage. The strange thing is those giant green scales didn't seem to belong to any known reptile. 

- His disappearance is eventually left unsolved by the police.

Love Interest: Steve Harrington

Appearance: Ben has fair skin and stands at 5'9". He has blue eyes and black hair that's cut and shaved pretty sloppily. Thanks, Eleanor.

Clothing: Ben generally wears a crisp brown polyester button up shirt, tan khaki pants, and brown dress shoes. His pants are held up by a belt and he usually is seen wearing a dark green tie. He also wears black framed glasses. Sometimes he'll be wearing a white lab coat but that's only when he's in his garage conducting experiments.

"Classic case of kill the messenger."


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"I... I tried so hard. Everyone was hurting and I thought I could be the one to protect them."

Occupation(s): Retail worker

Voice Claim: Nolan North (Ref; Ghost from the Destiny series)

Theme Song(s): Beat It by Michael Jackson & Notion by the Rare Occasions

"It's fine. I invented this equipment, I think I can handle it."

"C'est la vie mon ami."

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