My First Performance

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I feel horrible as I wake up still on the ground but now propped up by something. Hearing a sigh of relief behind me I realize what I was laying on.
Ft. Vincent: H-Hey... so th-that wasn't the best idea now was it?
Ballora: Well no shit, you electrocuted yourself.
Ft. Vincent: I didn't know that would happen!
I feel two soft mounds get pressed down on my face. Trying to push them off I hear soft and muffled moans. Realizing what they were I immediately stop and try to get up only to be forced down.
Ballora: You're going nowhere~.
Ft. Foxy: Hey! Is he awake yet? We perform in 20 so hurry up!
Ft. Vincent: H-Help...
I feel the soft mounds get lifted off my face and I'm finally able to see the covered under boob of Ballora. Blushing profusely I cover my face with both my hands. This felt familiar but I couldn't put my finger on it. Getting pulled up by my arm I uncover my face and see an angry Foxy.
Ft. Vincent: H-Hi.
Ft. Foxy: We have less than 20 minutes now so come with me and hurry!
Ft. Vincent: O-Ok.
I feel her drag me by the arm and into a vent opposite from the one I entered. Seeing a room the same as Ballora's I get dragged onto the stage as it goes up suddenly. As it does and the elevator reaches the top I see a new animatronic to my left but before I could scan her I go into full auto pilot and start to sing and dance in-sync with the others as another elevator comes up with Ballora on it. I take a back seat in my own mind, watching everything unfold around me. I see children happy as can be watching us perform. I begin to wander around in my own mind. Finding a list of protocols. Seeing all of them I begin to wonder what the last one is. As I do the elevator begins to go down suddenly and I gain control of my body.
Ft. Foxy: You'll get used to it~.
Ft. Vincent: I better.
As the elevator reaches the bottom my HUD shows the time to be 10 pm. I walk off the stage and adjust my suit and tie.
Ft. Foxy: Trying to stay fancy huh~?
Ft. Vincent: N-No, I just like to be tidy.
Ft. Foxy: Maybe you and I could... you know~.
Ft. Vincent: I-I don't.
She begins to make a lewd hand gesture by making her index finger and thumb form a circle with her other other hand's index finger entering and exiting the circle in a pumping motion. Saying my face was red would be an understatement. Shaking my head back and forth to shake off the thoughts as I back up a good foot from her.
Ft. Foxy: What~? Too shy to have a little fun~?
Ft. Vincent: I-I-I-I...
I turn away and find a door to an unknown room. Walking towards it I feel a hand grab my shoulder.
Ft. Foxy: Don't go in there. Trust me.
Ft. Vincent: It can't be that bad.
Turning around I can tell something is off and as I do so I begin to see the face of someone who's seen something terrifying.
Ft. Vincent: Alright alright, I won't go in.
Carefully placing my hand on top of her head I begin to pet her head all the while she seems to be in a daze with a slowly growing blush. As she's in this day I take my hand off and make my way towards the vent to the control room that I had yet to fully explore. Climbing in and through the room was unchanged. I hear someone climbing through the vent with an exit sign above it. I jump into the vent opposite of it and quickly scramble to the opposite side to find myself to be in a separate control room with it's own panels with buttons and knobs but with the same light and electricity panel. I turn on the lights to see what's behind the glass only to see the other animatronic from the stage earlier wearing a orange corset with a purple and orange skit with long red hair and large shoulder puffy things. I cant help but stare for a second before hearing someone coming through the vents behind me. Not knowing what to do I freeze in place. The person crawling through was just Funtime Freddy, letting go a sigh of relief before I realize what she was wearing. Only a pair of pink panties is what prevented you from seeing her nether regions. She also seemed to have her hand puppet detached as well. With a face a brighter shade of red than roses you turn away and face the control panel.
Ft. Freddy: I wanted to ask if you wanted to join in on our game~.
Ft. Vincent: Wh-what game?
Ft. Freddy: Follow me and I'll show you~.
She took me by the hand as she drags me back to the main control room where Funtime Foxy and Ballora are located wearing their regular clothes. I also notice the night guard with us. It was a woman wearing a basic white button up with black jeans. It felt familiar to me but I couldn't tell why.
Ft. Freddy: Now just to wait for baby~.
I shuddered at the name only to see her climb out from the vent behind me.
Baby: Sorry I'm late everyone! Some cute guy that looked like Foxy was... staring... at... me...
I turn around to see her with a blank expression as I watch her face turn a brighter red than mine.
Ft. Vincent: S-S-So wh-what about a g-game?

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