chapter 1

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Kian walks out of the theatre.

things were different now, he was a father.

8 Hours earlier...

Kian makes his way into the hospital, again of course being late as he decided getting food was a priority. He walks into pulses and eventually makes his way to the lift, carrying around three boxes of donuts and a drink. He steps out onto the ward and is instantly met by people rushing around, another busy day it seems.

Before he could even place the boxes down onto the nurses station, jac had found him, "madani! what have i told you about being late??" she shouts as she quickly walks down the corridor towards him.

"uh...not to be late...?"

She just shakes her head and glares at him "go get ready now. we have a busy day today, lots of people coming in from a car crash."

"car crash?" he questions and she gives a nod, "yeah around four people injured apparently."


"pretty bad." jac responds and starts to walk off to theatre one, kian quickly follows her "any idea on their relatives, family?"

"no. we've haven't heard much, just that one of them was pregnant...well is pregnant."

"oh well that's no good."

"no it isn't." she hums thoughtfully as she walks through the corridor, "get changed and then scrub in with me."

Kian nods and after getting changed he finds her in theatre one, they both get scrubbed in and go to the table. Jac starts the operation and kian watches over, he suddenly turns his attention to the patient "oh my god."

"what?" jac questions, looking up she notices a shocked expression on his face. He looked like he was going to cry, "what kian?!"

"she- amelia-" he manages to spit out, jac cocks her head, "who?"

"she's- that's my baby..."

"what?!" she sputters and looks at him confused, "she's pregnant with your kid?!"

kian nods and goes closer, "make sure they're ok...that's all i ask." she nods reassuringly and continues on with the operation, eventually jac puts in the last stitch and walks away from the table and kian eagerly follows her like a puppy.

"will they be ok?" he questions and she gently nods, "they should be fine."

"should be? no jac they need to be fine." he retorts and crosses his arms, "both of them need to be fine."

"look kian. i can only do my best at the end of the day, and so far both of them are ok."

kian just nods and walks away, not understanding why he needed to be like that with her. maybe it was just his fatherly instinct kicking in over his baby, or maybe it was just him being a dick.


kian goes into hdu and sits down next to the woman, he strokes her hand and sighs "please wake up."

the woman slowly opens her eyes and looks at him, "kian?"

"yeah im here don't worry."

she looks around and then back at him, "is the baby ok-"

"our baby's fine." he smiles and nods a bit, "we'll do a scan in a bit though."

"ok...good." the lady smiles and puts her hand on her stomach, "we'll have our baby soon you know...i think our baby will be perfect."

kian nods, "so do i do i." he smiles and places his hand on top of hers, "even though we aren't together...ill make sure that everything is paid for and sorted, ill be there for you."

"thank you."

he smiles "im sure our baby will be making an appearance really soon. im really looking forward to meeting them."

amelia smiles and after a little while of them talking, a nurse comes in with an ultrasound machine "Amelia eriksson?"

"yeah that's me."

the nurse nods and comes up to her, sorts out her gown and puts the gel on her stomach, she puts on and moves the transducer around her stomach and looks at the screen after starting the machine, she takes some time and searches around.

kian holds her hand and also looks at the screen, "'s the baby?"

"hmm..." the nurse moves the transducer around some more and then a sudden loud heartbeat fills the room, "there we go. perfectly healthy." both smile and the nurse points out things like;

the head, the legs, the shoulders etc.

kian smiles again  "'s moved down."

amelia looks at him and cocks her head, "is that bad?" he shakes his head and strokes her hair, "no it just means that baby might be ready to come out and meet us soon."

"oh..." she looks at him for a second and then suddenly drops unconscious, and goes into v-fib. Kian instantly jumps up "crash team!"

he starts to do cpr on her and then jac suddenly runs in, "no's not gonna work."

"what do you mean it's not gonna work?!" he shouts as he continues to do cpr on amelia, jac just walks up to him and puts her hand on his shoulder, "we didn't tell you...but her heart was failing, the only thing we can do now is get the baby out via emergency c-section."

kian took in those words and started to cry, it wasn't fair at all. He had just lost the mother of his child and possibly now he would also lose his child, and if the baby did survive then it would have no mother and that was equally unfair. Tears streamed down his face a bit as they took her away, he stood there for a little while before he decided he needed to see his baby be born. Kian quickly ran down to the theatre and he bursts in, "what's going on??"

midwives and a doctor look up, "ah mr madani...just in time." the doctor smiles and moves his hands around inside of amelias stomach, eventually he finds a head and pulls the baby out. Completely covered in blood and vernix, but it wasn't all.

worry overwhelms kian and he has to keep himself calm, " the baby ok?" he solemnly questions. Already he knew the answer but he just wanted to believe for a minute that his baby would be ok...just for a minute.

"we just need to work on her." the doctor replies, as he starts to give her some pumps of oxygen. kian couldn't tear his eyes away from his daughter laying in that cot with a towel underneath her and all the people working on her, "she?" he smiles and tries to be patient, they work on her for what seems like hours and to him it feels like there's no chance of saving her...until

a small cry fills the room.

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