Chapter One

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Spotting an empty table at the right corner of the cafeteria, Ellie nudged Felicia. She gestured at the table, urging her to follow her.

Leo's cafeteria was surprisingly full today; it had almost all the seats occupied. Ellie frowned, guessing the long hours in class accompanied with hunger must have drove students inside to munch on something before dinner.

"Where's Lily? I thought she was done with her class." Felicia asked as they made their way to the table to sit down.

"She'll be here soon," Ellie replied, making herself comfortable in her seat, "She had to submit a letter to the H.O.D."

"Okay," Felicia dragged her chair forward and set her brown, mini handbag in the empty seat beside her. She was dressed in a black, short-sleeved tank top and grey denim Jeans. Her hair, plaited in a beautiful black, box braids which she'd parted into two, was hung on the sides of her face.

Looking up at Ellie, she smiled, "I didn't know you had loved ones. Look at how the whole class showered you with gifts today," She paused and pouted, "They actually made me feel like a useless friend, only that I have my own surprise for you."

Ellie rolled her eyes. "You keep saying this, yet I've not seen anything. Don't tell me you got me another teddy bear?"

Felicia chucked, tossing back her braids over her shoulder, "Something better."

Ellie shrugged, "I'm not getting my hopes up, Fel. You might disappoint me. Again."

"C'mon, you know I'll spoil you if I had money. It's just that I've not found a sugar daddy yet. These big men gallivanting around are empty barrels, hon. Just packaging. They've got nothing!"

Ellie laughed, "They know you're after their money and they're trying to outsmart you. Gone were the days they showered young girls with money before getting what they want from them."

"Tch," Sucking her teeth, Felicia rolled her eyes, "I'm not playing that game."

"So you should get a job instead. You can help Lily at Breakfast Inn and earn some money."

"Cooking and hardwork ain't for me, Ellie. You know this."

She shook her head, looking at her friend in disbelief. Felicia's parents had reduced her monthly allowance due her extravagant spending and only promised to increase to the original state or even better when they see her "maturing". The news had almost paralysed Felicia yet with her parents as stubborn as her, there was nothing she could say to convince them.

Her eyes drifted away from Felicia towards Sammy, Felicia's ex approaching to take their order.

"Here comes Prince Charming." Ellie said through a smile, glancing at Felicia at the corner of her eye.

"Sammy? I thought he was off today." Felicia grunted as she clasped her hand into a nervous fist on the table.

Ellie shook her head, "You can't avoid him forever. That's, until you stop eating here."

"And that's impossible. Leo's my favourite place. Our favourite."

Ellie shrugged, "Then relax. I think he's moved on. He's dating this 'fine' babe." She looked intently at Felicia, hoping to get a reaction from her.

When Felicia's eyes widened, Ellie grinned. "She's very pretty. I've met them together at Rio twice. Or they could be friends, who knows?"

Felicia sighed," That's none of my business. He broke up with me and he's moved on. Good for him."

"You didn't want the relationship, Felicia. You got bored. The poor guy was dating himself."

Felicia shot her a glare, "Don't make me look like the bad one."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11, 2022 ⏰

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