Chapter 9

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Chenle gave my grandma a smile, As well as they others

When there gaze went to me which is very much embarrassing

I was still chewing the ribs on my mouth!

Chenle gave me a faint smile, The others gave me a very welcoming smile, But Mr. Huang stared at me with no emotion

Grams: Aigoo! Hee! look at your self you have Sauce all over your face

She nagged as she gave me a tissue to wipe my face, I turned around and wiped my face before facing them again with a much pleasant face

Wonhee: hello uh guests

I mumbled, Grams smiled at me and Told them to take a seat while she get some plates, I was going to help her but she told me to entertain the guest

Chenle sat infront of me, Jisung and Jaemin Next to him, Jeno was next to Seated at the farthest across grams's , Renjun took a seat next to me with Haechan beside him

Renjun: Can we talk?

He whispered the moment he sat next to me, I ignored him and Ate my food, thats when Chenle spoke

Chenle: Why did you leave? Is there something wrong?
Wonhee: Nothing
Chenle: Then why? You left without a proper reason and a proper goodbye
Jaemin: Is it because you dont like mangoes?
Wonhee: Its not that
Jeno: then? We got worried, We drove back back but we didn't saw you on the way

I sighed and Chewed my food first before answering, well Manners before anything

Wonhee: I just felt tired
Jisung: You should have told Renjun hyung, He could have drove you back
Chenle: exactly

I glance at Renjun, he was looking at me, I ignored him and Faced chenle and gave him a shrug

Wonhee: we're not close enough
Haechan: Its okay Renjun wi-
Wonhee: Dont want to be a bother

I gave him a small smile before standing up, since I was done eating, I excused myself and went to the kitchen

Grams looked surprised to see me there

Grams: you're done?
Wonhee: Yes, Dont worry about the dishes ill do it Grams

I grinned at her, she sighed and Just nod, I helped her with the plates and some dishes, I brought it to the table, Grams sat down

Wonhee: Ill be upstairs Grams, Call me when you're done
Grams: Will do, darling
Wonhee: Eat well everyone

I said before going out of the dinning room and went to the Terrace, I saw Great there lying on the table

I sighed and went to him, He purred at the sight of me

Wonhee: Looks like someone is satisfied now

Great meow and laid on the table, I took my phone out to call Hae, she answered almost instantly

Hae: Hello baby!
Wonhee: Hi

I sighed afterwards, This day is very hectic

Hae: You look irritated, but anyhoe!! Ghorl! Grumpy is very kind! Also Soul your new cat loves me!!
Wonhee: soul is the kindest, Well after Good of course
Hae: Good doesn't like me though, he just hates me!

She groaned making me laugh, I showed her the new scratch I got from Great and she let out a sigh

Hae: I already saw that coming
Wonhee: And look at him now

I showed her The sleeping Great on the table, Hae chuckled and awed on how cute the sleeping cat is

Hae: I wish you can bring him here in Seoul
Wonhee: If he likes me then I would but he loves to scratch so Nope
Hae: Getting injected Every year is such a hassle already

She giggled, We talked more about how Grumpy is doing, as well us some random things, Like how i got soul

I didn't tell her that It was a soulmate pet, I just told her i found him on my doorstep which Is true

Renjun clearly dont want his friends to know I am his soulmate because It is 'embarrassing' especially I had history with those boys

So I also decided to not tell my friend about him as well, Give and Take is what you call it

You give that attitude then Ill make sure you take the same attitude

Dad always remind me to treat people the same way I want them to treat me, but For Huang Renjun it's the other way

He treats me like that I will treat him like that as-well; just being Fair

Our call ended, I went downstairs to see Grams and The boys still eating, Great was following me from behind because I am going to feed him now

Grams: Don't get yourself scratched again!

She yelled, I yelled back an 'okay' and continued on getting Great's cat food, I added his favorite tuna

I let him eat peacefully, and saw the boys already immersed with the conversation they were having with Grams

Grams: You all are very kind! You all haven't got your soulmate right?

My gaze went to Renjun, He was also looking at me, I raised a brow at him and He did the same before looking away

Chenle: Ill have one next year Grams, dont worry
Grams: Then the others?
Haechan: Not yet, Though Renjun Has a soulmate

My brows furrowed at Haechan's words, I glance at Renjun and He gave me a shrug look

Jeno: He turned eighteen last week Grams
Grams: oh really? My Hee also turned eighteen last week! Speaking of You, you have never told me about your soulmate Hee

She said as she glance at me, I gave her a shrug before uttering a word

Wonhee: You'll know eventually grams
Grams: So you have met him? Who? Is he handsome? Tall? Smart? Tell me!

I sighed and gave her a small smile before taking a seat On my place, which is next to Huang

Wonhee: well, i did met him already
Haechan: Really??
Wonhee: yes, so please stop crushing on me

I said rolling my eyes on the process, he scowled making everyone chuckle

Grams: tell me more!!
Wonhee: uh he is uh good Grams
Grams: that's all? Good? Good at what?
Wonhee: i don't know, he's just good

I saw Renjun scoffed at the corner of my eyes, I grinned wider seeing him annoyed at my words

Grams: Is he handsome? Smart? Tall?
Wonhee: Uh he is okay, I dont know if he is smart, to me he is dumb, And tall? Pfft

I snorted when I saw Renjun sending me a small glare, They all look at me Waiting for my answer

Wonhee: he is tiny, but He is taller than me so I guess he is a bit tall? Just a a little bit talk

I glance at Renjun and gave him a sarcastic smile, He scoffed at Rolled his eyes at me

Grams: he sounds like a nice guy, Hee. You should bring him here!
Renjun: I know right Grams?! He is such a nice guy!

Renjun exclaimed and Laugh with Grams, while the others let out an awkward chuckle while I just irritatedly sighed hearing Renjun's complements on himself

What a 'nice' guy he is!! Haechan couldn't even agree to that!

To be continued

triple update!! I want to make it up for the five days of not updating lmao😂
Have a great day!!💚

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