Chapter 7- Thrown into the air.

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You walked up to Ed still in your hot dignity dog
Costume. "You look like a cute little baba ernest mrs Evil-lyn mrs papooga scrumptious de dumptious juicy filled baba gul" he said. "Thank you my little lulu lemon kitten whiskers" you said back to him. You opened the door and walked inside. The place was a wreck. Ed clearly did something while you were at work.

You were stunned. The couches were ripped up the chandelier was on the floor and fridge was wide opeN and there was fooD everywhere. Your makeup was smeared all over the wall and in big letters on the t.v read
you were stunned even more to find out that it was in your favourite red lucious de baba Catoure lipstick.

"Ed did you do this?" You look back at Ed and ask. He twirls his fingers in his hair looking at the floor.
"Wa" he says mimicking a baby.
"Why would you do this?" You asked.
"Well I felt my inner tiger coming out, I wanted to feel like I was in the jungle. So I went a little discord kitten. I hope you can forgive me. I even made dinner for us. Yummy cat food. There's even some kibble for us to nibble on."

"Ed I'm very mad at you. Why would you do this to Me. I thought you were diffrent. You need to clean all of this up now little tiger." You say.

"I don't want to." He said.

"Ed Im not going to fight you. You need to clean this up and buy me new juicy carouse lipstick. You say.

"What about I pay someone to come clean it up? Then we can go Out to the pinchie deli store and I can buy you some kitty litter and salami." He says.

"That's ok but call someone now little tiger baba ernest" you say.

Ed picks up the phone and calls the home cleaner about 25 minuets later the man shows up.

"Hello" THe man says. "We're so glad you called. It takes real guts to open up about your hoarding addiction. " he says.

"What do you mean my hoarding addiction?" You ask.

"That's why you called? This is the show hoarders and I can tell your house is in need of a little help." He says with a gross face.

You turn to face Ed and he's looking at the floor twirling his fingers and looking at his feet with the same guilt. "Ed why would you call hoarders?" You ask. "This made me more mad at you! I can't believe you Ed. Your breaking my lonely heart.!" You say.

Without hesitation Ed turns to face the man.
"Welcome to the next episode of hoarders I'm your host mr brow-nuh and I'm here to- but before he could finish. Ed picked him up by his pinky toes and threw him so high up in the air.

He came crashing down and hit a bush. Ed has just committed a crime. The video people were so shocked. "Call the cops on this emo kitten" they say pulling out there phones and dialling the police.

You looked over at Ed and both took a run for the car. You hoped I'n and started to drive away.

"Where are we gonna go little baba ernest?" You ask him.

"A far distant land called-


"Ed stop he serious little kitten" you say.

"We're going to go to my recording g studio no one  find us there." He says.


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