Chapter: 6 More Blood Shead

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(Thank you to my guest Author for this chapter, Ember)

(William's POV)

The rest of the crew stood there in complete shock, how could this be happening, why is this happening? Just then Kelly stands up.

"Ok everyone listens up, we are dealing with a serious situation here, which means we must follow protocol. Each person must partner up and continue with our work, however, Levi and I will change course back Mira, James and Lydia go to communication and tell the general that we will be turning around and coming home. In the meantime, nobody let your partner out of your sight. Partner up with your roommates, Brown come with Levi and me so we can keep you company, lilac you go with Moon and Vee, Red, go with Sean and William. Hurry, time is ticking, and we can't let anyone else die."

Sean, Red, and I go to electrical to start working on our task. As we work there is a gloomy aura around us the whole time. I finish up diverting power to the engine to get home faster when I look over and see that red is already finished. I move on to my other task and get engrossed in that alongside Sean when suddenly we hear a loud piercing scream come from security before alarm sirens blare and words come over the intercom.

"Dead Body Reported in Security" Sean, Red, and I go running to security when we arrive we see Lilac, Moon, and, Vee Standing around Lydia's dead body on the floor with gold in the corner.

"It was you!!" Nancy(Gold) yells at lilac.

"It wasn't me I swear" lilac send back.

"It had to be, she was standing right over his body".

"Nancy, calm down ok, she was with us the whole time and only walked over there when she heard the strange noise," Vee said trying to diffuse the situation.

Nancy was about to respond but suddenly the rest of the crew walks in, including Kelly. She looks at the body and signals for Nancy to come to speak with her. James is on the ground having a complete mental meltdown, he just had his wife die, so I don't blame him for it. Nancy and Kelly walked off while the rest of us waited. I looked over to see Nancy's daughter standing there with a scared feeling we could see even with the suit. Then Moon started to shake and Vee Guided her out of the room and into Reactor. Lilac was about to follow them to keep a distance eye on them when Kelly walked back in and signaled for Lilac to talk to her. We stood there for what felt like hours waiting when Kelly finally came back to the room.

"Where are Moon and Vee," She asked swiftly

"Over in reactor" I respond

She walks over and goes in for what feels like even longer than before until she comes back out

"Alright, everyone return back to your tasks and stay out of Reactor, lilac you go with Gold and help her in the engines. Hop to it, work fast, and don't let your partner out of your sites"

We all walked back to electrical as the rest of the crew continued their tasks

(Nancy's POV)

I walk away shaking with anger, I know it was her, it had to be, she did it damn it. She was standing over the body. She did it, I won't stop till sh-

"M-mom," My daughter says meagerly.

"What is it, sweety".

"He-he died, are we going to die".

"Hey hey, calm down sweety, nothing will hurt you, ok".



Her daughter burris her head in her chest and start sobbing as her mom is comforting her. She let all she was thinking about go and focused on her daughter. After a while her daughter passes and she walks her back to their room and lays her in the bed tucking her in, turns the lights off, and closes the door.

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