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Monday was also a pretty relaxed day unlike last week, although Elle knew she wouldn't be out until ten and so it would be another 16 hour day, but the anticipation of tomorrow, the game against Joe as well as only working half days as they didn't really have anything to do because of the roster cut, made the time more bearable already.

The teams were there today for video analysis, which meant that Elle and the others only had appointments in between every now and then, where they checked players and otherwise sat in front of the computer and wrote the further reports.

Elle had really managed to be home by nine last night, had talked to her mother and Celine on the phone, and had even been able to do a bit of housekeeping. In contrast to the weeks before, things were going really well for her.

Michael had worked late last night, unlike her, and was able to get off work at eight today, which meant she would be alone in the office today.

Everyone else except Nick and her had also done most of their work yesterday, so Nick and she would be the only ones here for the evening, but she wouldn't have to spend the night here tonight, even though she had the early shift tomorrow.

She was sitting in front of the computer typing the last lines of the report when there was a knock at the door. "Just come in!" she called out as she saved the report and uploaded it to the database so all the coaches could access it.

"Hey there. Fit for our game tomorrow?" Joe entered the room grinning. Surprised, Elle looked at her watch. "What are you still doing here at this hour? You guys only had video analysis and your own practice today didn't you?" Joe nodded and sat down in the empty chair.

"I overheard from Paul today that you were working late, so I thought I'd make sure you weren't working too late so you'd have a chance against me tomorrow" grinning, he leaned back as Elle laughed.

"That's very thoughtful of you. So now you're going to stay here until I get off work?" Joe nodded before grabbing his backpack and rummaging around in it. "And not only that. You mentioned that you never really have dinner, so I brought us....." he pulled two storage cans out of his backpack. "....Food."

Grinning, Elle accepted one of the cans and opened the lid. "Rice?" she asked. Joe nodded. "Rice with gravy, peas and chicken strips. Just a typical dinner of mine. You need to eat enough for the game tomorrow."

Elle couldn't stop grinning. "Very nice, and we're eating this cold?" Joe shook his head. "I can go heat it up in the microwave in the player lounge if you're hungry now" Elle nodded and slid the can back to Joe.

Working with Joe in the room was very tedious, yet entertaining. Elle did admonish him several times not to distract her while she wrote the reports, but Joe never made it more than two minutes before trying to start a conversation again.

"I have an idea..." he interrupted Elle again, causing her to send him a look sighing. "What is it this time?" she asked and kept typing, listening with half an ear to what Joe was saying. "you take some time off now and we'll go out on the field and throw some balls".

Elle sighed again. "Joe, you know I have to work" "but come on, are those reports you're writing right now from players who might get cut tomorrow?"

Elle bristled, because Joe was right.The players who were potentially going to be cut tomorrow had had priority, which was why they were being worked on first.The reports she was writing now were more for completeness.

"Besides, you're Nick's protégé, it does lit little matter if you don't finish the reports until tomorrow" Joe, interpreting Elle's silence as a no, added. "Come on, just throw a little. In preparation for tomorrow" he pleaded.

Sighing, Elle ran her hand over her face. "All right. But only ten minutes, then I have to get back" happy Joe jumped up and grabbed Elle's hand, literally yanking her off the chair as he pulled her behind him.

Joe was all grins as they stepped onto the stadium turf. there were enough lights burning to cover the field with enough brightness for them to play easily. Elle just wasn't quite sure if the people in charge would like the idea of the quarterback and an athletic trainer just taking to the turf at night.

"Ok, we should warm up a little first so you don't pull anything" Joe put the football he had quickly grabbed from the locker room before hurriedly putting on his brace on the floor and began stretching his arms and legs.

"Isn't that my job to say?" Elle asked with a grin as she tied her hair into a quick ponytail at the nape of her neck so it wouldn't slide down her face before imitating Joe and stretching.

Once they were warmed up enough, they started throwing the ball back and forth at short distances to get a feel for it first. Although they were still loose and easy throws, Joe was amazed at how much oomph Elle's throws had.

Gradually they increased the distance between them and the throws became longer. Still Elle had no trouble and threw the ball back with so much force that Joe almost didn't catch the ball now and then from surprise.

"Throw a little harder, catching those easy balls is no challenge for me" Elle provoked laughing when Joe had the ball once again. "Get ready for something" he called back before throwing.

The ball whizzed towards Elle at high speed, but even though it flew along at least two heads above her, she leapt into the air with an ease and caught it. Joe looked at her in amazement. Not even Ja'Marr caught all such balls from him.

With all her might, Elle threw the ball back and Joe just barely caught it with a reach. "See, that's the way to do it" Elle called to him as she fixed him again, getting ready for the next throw.

Joe couldn't let that stand. He took a few steps back, took a running start and threw as hard and accurately as he could.

The ball flew a little too far to the right for Elle, but she couldn't give Joe the satisfaction of beating her, which is why she jumped off and dove for the ball.

Startled, Joe watched as Elle took to the air before rolling off and landing on her back. Nothing happened for a few seconds before Elle triumphantly held the ball aloft. "Got it!" she exclaimed breathlessly, lowering the ball again.

Relieved, Joe jogged over and stood over her. "You're really not bad" he grinned at her as Elle laughed and patted the grass beside her. "Come on, little break" she grinned at him before putting her arms under her head.

Joe lay down next to her. "the view is really nice" Elle pointed to the sky that was visible through the open roof of the stadium. Joe just nodded silently.

Elle pulled her arms forward from under her head and laid them beside her body, her hand grazing Joe's and their little fingers interlocking.

She turned her head to the side and looked at Joe. "Thanks for keeping me from work" she said smiling, whereupon Joe also turned his head and was stunned by the sight of Elle in the dim light.

Her eyes shone almost mysteriously, her skin seemed so soft and her smile only seemed to shine more in the low light.

He couldn't help it as he slowly leaned over to her, placing his hand on her chin and pressing his lips to hers.

Thank you so much for 21k reads!!!!
It's so unbelievable and I know that I say that all the time but I just didn't expect to get some many reads so quick, when I started to write this story!!

btw HAPPY ONE MONTH!!! I started to post exactly one month ago, wow!!

question: Which artist do you think is underrated and should be heard by more people?

My answer: I have a whole playlist with small underrated artist from TikTok and they're all so good. Especially because their songs are more relatable because they're about the same age as me. It's hard to name one of them but I think I have to say Lauren Weintraub (especially ‚like a boy' and ‚she's mine' !!) and we three (‚nightlight' , ‚secrets' and ‚i wanna love somebody' ). But there are so many more I would love to name!!

Comment your answer (i will definitely listen to all suggestions. I love to get to know new artists) and like the chapter!


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