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We left for Meridian with enough supply's to keep us for 10 years. There were ten family's going on the trip. I did not know them. Mel knew a couple I guess we would all know each other well by the time we got to Meridian. The ship was very large but it was geared to house us for two years until we reached our destination then we could use it as a safety base for as long as needed. Our approach was to be a night landing in an isolated area. The ship would be either hidden or imbedded in a mountain range so we could be as non intrusive as possible. We have our own gardens, and we are vegan so problem of food solved. We also have fruit trees and we brought lots of seeds to start our new world.
We have brought weapons that can stop an elephant in its tracks but we plan on using them only if threatened by large powerful and aggressive animals.
We should be safe but everything is so unpredictable we have power sources that could last almost indefinitely, store rooms of supply's, and something similar to a three d copier so we could make anything we want. All they had to worry about was surviving the trip as Jenny saw it. Everyone had assigned jobs even the children. Everyone was expected to be an active part of this operation.

For entertainment we have each other and Bots for company, a walking track a gym made to resemble trees for climbing and mountain climbing. There is a theater where we scan view interactive movies. And we have every kind of book known to man. We have the net, of sorts, it is different, more personal with holograms, etc. Surreal sound tracts. What more could you ask for. Can anyone say, traveling in style. Yep that's what I'm taking about!!
Tonight we would get to meet some of our fellow traveling companions. Jenny decided it would be nice to wear something casual but yet elegant. The dress she chose was a knee length dress loose from the bust , melting baby pinking color. The top was pleated with embroidered sparking flowers on the front bust. The straps looked like delicate vines of shimmering floral design. crossing her slim tanned shoulders. Her shoes were a beige sandal with matching pink flowers intertwined in the shoe and adorning her ankles and calves. She wore her brown hair up loosely. Mel's breath caught in his throat as his eyes said it all. They were filled with desire and pride. Crystal wore a summer dress with soft
lavender flowers and Mel wore a relaxed sports jacket with his sleeves pushed up. And a pair of matching dress slacks they looked wonderful light and airy and approachable.
When they arrived at the dinning hall all seem to have the same idea. They were a group of beautiful people relaxing around in the lounge waiting for all to arrive. They struck up conversations with several people snacked on fresh nuts and cool water .
When all arrived Jenny and her family sat with the Richardson's on one side of them . Mr Thomas Orel was a chemist, and his wife was an herbalist and botanist, they sat to the left. The Richardson's were teachers mark and Julia . Their son Tom, was 9. He was a handsome young man. This did not escape Crystals attention since she was almost nine also. The two of them got along well. Crystal needed friends and all the parents seemed delighted that they were interacting so well.
If they only knew Crystal was blown away and from the way Tom was acting she suspected he was too. What could be nicer. This trip promised to be fun after all. After they ate the kids ran along to watch a movie before bed. It had been a great evening with very interesting people to talk with. They told the kids to come home immediately after the movie was over. It wasn't like they could go too far after all they were on a ship.

Each evening went on the same till all the families had a chance to dine together and get to know each other. The Landhouse couple were a Dr. And nurse team. They had all the latest equipment on board, that they would need in case of emergency. They had a little girl named Linda. Now Crystal would have at least two friends.The Steadman couple were technology experts. Then there'd been the Herbert's he was an ambassador and she was a negotiator. Yes their entourage was complex and interesting. The others were all professionals interesting and delightful, actually there were ten children in all and twenty adults. Most of the professionals that would be needed to make this trip a success were present. The bots could fill in on most other fronts. They bots acted as servants.

Jane was not recognizable and her change over worked well. She was able to work close to Crystal more and more. She really did not need a Nana bot, but Jane had found reasons to spend as much time as she could with her. Jane found reading and virtual reality films that could be accessed from their room to be most useful as a distraction. She had decided to change the name of her cave to Crystal Palace. She felt good about it. She worried about her bot friends but dared not to try contacting them on the space equipment. Too much chance of interception. She had searched the news. No news is good news they say. At least she hoped so.
She so missed her carving. What at a joy to reproduce nature and things from her memory. Like the life size carving of Crystal she had done and placed in the living area. If she did any carving and it was discovered They would know that she was not a normal robot because she had not been programmed for carving, few were and it as a shame because she was quite good at it.
Janes growing feelings let her capture so much more emotion in her work. She missed the beauty of the home planet of Aston where she had been created. Jane was happier now that she could see Crystal, but she still had started thinking of the cave and the life style she had created as home. And her friends as family. Crystal seemed contented and happy, so continued fighting for her was feeling like less and less of an option. If it was working why break it. Besides if she had kids they needed to be hers. If only she had a physical body, so she could give birth to a child and feel things with a physical body. Well she could only have one on Ashton and it was understandable very logical that one was enough , one child per family. However a part of her wanted to be able to have her own identity , and be accepted by the people who had created her and her kind.

The captain of the ship is Terron, she had been afraid he would recognize her in someway but had not. well. why would he, she had different haircolor different bone structure she looked like a whole new bot. In fact he seemed rather taken with her. He kept giving her furtive glances.

I, wonder how Sam, would react to this, would he be he be jealous, it would be interesting, to find out. So when Sam was around Jane accepted his advances slightly. Just to gage Sam's reaction. She told herself. Sam was furious. He did not show it but she knew it. They had developed a form of non verbal communication. And Sam was very territorial and very uncomfortable with the situation.
He had a right to be, because Terron summoned Jane that evening. She had to please him but something in Jan drove her further. She wanted his affection for some reason. She was not sure why but it felt essential. Terron as amassed and quite pleased . Well little girl it looks like someone programmed you well, they were quite proficient in their knowledge of pleasure zones, you are a fabulous entertainment, because I have been totally entertained. She as somewhat offended but then she realized he was talking to someone he thought had no feelings. Jane managed to mumble anything to please you. She wanted to say so much more. Although Jane had feelings for Sam , there had been no commitment made. Jane was still a free agent. This felt very natural for Jane she found an attachment. She would have to talk to Sam and convince him that she was not ready to make a commitment. She
still wanted to be anted by the right man. One of the creatures. Was it possible , could she convince him? A plan was formulating in Janes mind. Would it work. Would she have the acceptance of the creator, or would she continue to exist, just to please others!

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