Chapter 2- A Pink Consumed by Gray

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Those were the last words uttered by Cecelia, who shouted out her feelings to Conner.
Conner was in mortal shock.
He never had a person like him.
Cecelia sat there, her face red like a strawberry. Conner was sitting there frozen, with a thousand things going through his mind.
"Is this girl fucking insane?!" he thought.
And then he remembered that he had a somewhat tiny shred of a relatble feeling just a few minutes ago.
"Meet me after school by the bike rack, and I will talk to you about it."
After 3:30 p.m., Cecelia was already there, with a smile on her face. Conner walked up and saw her smile and was instantly confused.
"Why the fuck would she smile at me??? Why does she even like me?!"
"So, what's with you and the lies?"
"What do you mean lies?"
"How could you ever like me?"
"It was more like love at first sight."
"I don't know what you see in me, but it's not happening."
"I have no interest in love whatsoever."
"So fuck off."
"I get it now..."
"You're gay..."
"That's what all the gays say."
"Prove it."
"The fuck? How am I going to do that, exactly?"
"Go on a date with me."
"I refuse."
"I can see she is trying to trick me, but not today, bitch."
"I'll just tell the school that you're gay."
"Do that, and I will cut off your tits."
"Oh, so you were looking?"
"Stop changing conversation."
"Prove to me your not gay."
"Ask out a girl."
"But no girl will say yes but you."
"Do it or I say."
"This is the first time I've ever wanted to punch a girl."
"D-D-Do you wanna go out sometime...........?"
"Of course! I would love it!"
After that, they look into each other's eyes for a moment.
It wasn't any ordinary stare.
Conner looked into Cecelia's big brown eyes. They shined like the Hudson river. He was mesmorized, by the look of her eyes. For the first time, Conner found a girl to be appealing in looks.
Cecelia walked a bit closer to him, and then Conner stepped back. They keep doing so until Conner's back was against a wall and Cecelia had him there. She moved in, and took Conner's hands. Then, as their faces were only millimeters away, she kissed him. Cecelia closed her eyes, and Conner's eyes widened as he felt a tongue touch his. After she separated from him, she walked away slowly.
She turned around and said " I love you."
And walked away.
Conner stood there leaning against the wall, stunned and shocked.
As he let himself fall to the floor, he tasted the left over strawberry flavor.
His heart was beating so fast, he had no idea what to do. He was so confused, he thought it was some sick joke.
After he got home, his mother saw his face and said "What happened? Did you get scared by something?"
"I got scared alright. And tricked."
He ran into his room, jumped on the bed, and curled up under his blanket. "Strawberries." as Conner thought of the taste Cecelia left in his mouth.
Conner went to sleep that night, and dreamed of a world that wasn't entirely grey anymore. It was being consumed by a pretty pink Sakura flower, contaiging the grey with its color, like a virus inside an organism.

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